overhead projection source sheet   - 1 -  “YES” - Earth is a Living Organism (c) O#o

    Theme: the relationship between the planet and the people,

        EARTH        HUMANITY            


    the question



    Def. Organism :

    A conglomerate of organs (elements which each perform a different function) which, in synergic functioning, compose one integral entity or being.

    Def. Living        :

    A state of being of an entity in which continuity of that being/entity is ensured by purposeful adaptation in an environment.

    Organism  :

    synergic functioning of organs/("cells").

    Living  :

    synergetic adaptation in an environment.

            (Synergy to be defined lateron.)

    Organism  :

    Internal Coordination. Structure. Matter.

    Aliveness  :

    External Coordination. Adaptation. Mind.


        That answers the question.
        The answer is  :  "Yes".