MatheMusicsScience of Life Essay
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The 4D Hologramof body Vibrations
O#o van Nieuwenhuijze, MSc, MD.
The Foundation forde Integral Health Care
[Introduction][Music in 4 Dimensions][Cell Song][Your Body as Music][ChronoBiology][SoundScapes][Body Temperature Dynamics][Music, Math, Science, Religion][Phase in 4 Dimensions][The 4D Electron][Music as Empirical Science][Stereo as phase arrangement in space][Cymatics][Music as Time Scupture][Squaring the Circle][Moorish Tiling/Timing][Doppler Shift of Holograms][Distorting Time and Phase][Time Space Phase Arrays][White Noise and Silent Sound][Hemisync & Binaurals][Phase Space Architecture][Orgone and Dor][Orientation & Equilibrium][Elation & Depression][Symphony and Cacophony][Organ'ic Symphonics][Sound(ness) Healing][Cosmic Music][Coherence Creation][Mathemusics][Musematics][The Beauty of Mathematics][Wave Nodes][Orchestral Compositions][Music Notation][Mathematics is ...?][Languaging our Involvement]