by Matti Pitkänen
PART I: p-Adic description of particle massivation
Elementary Particle Vacuum Functionals
Massless states and particle massivation
p-Adic particle massivation: elementary particle masses
p-Adic particle massivation: hadron masses
p-Adic particle massivation: New Physics
PART II: p-Adic length scale hypothesis and dark matter hierarchy
Theory of topological condensation and evaporation
Recent status of lepto-hadron hypothesis
TGD and Nuclear Physics
Nuclear String Hypothesis
Dark Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter
Super-Conductivity in Many-Sheeted Space-Time
Quantum Hall effect and Hierarchy of Planck Constants
1. Basic ideas of TGD
- TGD as a Poincare invariant theory of gravitation
- TGD as a generalization of the hadronic string model
- Fusion of the two approaches via a generalization of the space-time concept
2. The five threads in the development of quantum TGD
- Quantum TGD as configuration space spinor geometry
- p-Adic TGD
- TGD as a generalization of physics to a theory of consciousness
- TGD as a generalized number theory
- Dynamical quantized Planck constant and dark matter hierarchy
3. The contents of the book
4. p-Adic aspects of quantum TGD
- p-Adic numbers
- How p-adic numbers emerge from quantum TGD?
- p-Adic length scale hypothesis
- CP2 type extremals and elementary particle black hole analogy
- p-Adic thermodynamics and particle massivation
5. The contents of the book
- PART I: p-Adic description of particle massivation
- PART II: TGD and p-adic length scale hypothesis
1.1. Introduction
- First series of questions
- Second series of questions
- The notion of elementary particle vacuum functional
1.2. Basic facts about Riemann surfaces
- Mapping class group
- Teichmueller parameters
- Hyper-ellipticity
- Theta functions
1.3. Elementary particle vacuum functionals
- Extended Diff invariance and Lorentz invariance
- Conformal invariance
- Diff invariance
- Cluster decomposition property
- Finiteness requirement
- Stability against the decay g --> g1+g2
- Stability against the decay g --> g-1
- Continuation of the vacuum functionals to higher genus topologies
1.4. Explanations for the absence of the g>2 elementary particles from spectrum
- Hyper-ellipticity implies the separation of g≤ 2 and g>2 sectors to separate worlds
- What about g> 2 vacuum functionals which do not vanish for hyper-elliptic surfaces?
- Should higher elementary particle families be heavy?
1.5. Could also gauge bosons correspond to wormhole contacts?
- Option I: Only Higgs as a wormhole contact
- Option II: All elementary bosons as wormhole contacts
- Graviton and other stringy states
- Spectrum of non-stringy states
- Higgs mechanism
1.6. Elementary particle vacuum functionals for dark matter
- Connection between Hurwitz zetas, quantum groups, and hierarchy of Planck constants?
- Hurwitz zetas and dark matter
2.1. Introduction
- How p-adic coupling constant evolution and p-adic length scale hypothesis emerge from quantum TGD?
- How quantum classical correspondence is realized at parton level?
- Physical states as representations of super-canonical and Super Kac-Moody algebras
- Particle massivation
2.2. Heuristic picture about particle massivation
- The relationship between inertial and gravitational masses
- The identification of Higgs as a weakly charged wormhole contact
- General mass formula
- Is also Higgs contribution expressible as p-adic thermal expectation?
2.3. Could also gauge bosons correspond to wormhole contacts?
- Option I: Only Higgs as a wormhole contact
- Option II: All elementary bosons as wormhole contacts
- Graviton and other stringy states
- Spectrum of non-stringy states
- Higgs mechanism
2.4. Does the modified Dirac action define the fundamental action principle?
- Modified Dirac equation
- The association of the modified Dirac action to Chern-Simons action and explicit realization of super-conformal symmetries
- Why the cutoff in the number superconformal weights and modes of D is needed?
- The spectrum of Dirac operator and radial conformal weights from physical and geometric arguments
- Quantization of the modified Dirac action
- Number theoretic braids and global view about anti-commutations of induced spinor fields
2.5. Super-symmetries at space-time and configuration space level
- Super-canonical and Super Kac-Moody symmetries
- The relationship between super-canonical and Super Kac-Moody algebras, Equivalence Principle, and justification of p-adic thermodynamics
- Brief summary of super-conformal symmetries in partonic picture
- Large N=4 SCA as the natural option
2.6. Color degrees of freedom
- SKM algebra
- General construction of solutions of Dirac operator of H
- Solutions of the leptonic spinor Laplacian
- Quark spectrum
2.7. Exotic states
- What kind of exotic states one expects?
- Are S2 degrees of freedom frozen for elementary particles?
- More detailed considerations
2.8. Particle massivation
- Partition functions are not changed
- Fundamental length and mass scales
- Spectrum of elementary particles
- p-Adic thermodynamics alone does not explain the masses of intermediate gauge bosons
- Probabilistic considerations
2.9. Modular contribution to the mass squared
- The physical origin of the genus dependent contribution to the mass squared
- Generalization of Theta functions and quantization of p-adic moduli
- The calculation of the modular contribution Δ h to the conformal weight
2.10. Appendix: Gauge bosons in the original scenario
- Bi-locality of boson states
- Bosonic charge matrices, conformal invariance, and coupling constants
- The ground states associated with gauge bosons
- Bosonic charge matrices
- BF\overlineF couplings and the general form of bosonic configuration space spinor fields
3.1. Introduction
- Basic contributions to particle mass squared
- The identification of Higgs as weakly charged wormhole contact
- Could also gauge bosons correspond to wormhole contacts?
- Exotic states
3.2. Various contributions to the particle masses
- General mass squared formula
- Color contribution to the mass squared
- Modular contribution to the mass of elementary particle
- Thermal contribution to the mass squared
- Second order renormalization contribution
- General mass formula for Ramond representations
- General mass formulas for NS representations
- Primary condensation levels from p-adic length scale hypothesis
3.3. Fermion masses
- Charged lepton mass ratios
- Neutrino masses
- Quark masses
- Are scaled up variants of quarks also there?
3.4. Boson masses
- Photon, graviton and gluon
- Higgs mechanism for electro-weak gauge bosons
- Recent situation in Higgs search
3.5. Appendix
- Gauge invariant states in color sector
- Number theoretic auxiliary results
4.1. Introduction
- Construction of U and D matrices
- Observations crucial for the model of hadron masses
- A possible model for hadron
4.2. Quark masses
- Basic mass formulas
- Are scaled up variants of quarks also there?
4.3. Topological mixing of quarks
- Mixing of the boundary topologies
- The constraints on U and D matrices from quark masses
- Constraints from CKM matrix
4.4. Construction of U, D and CKM matrices
- The constraints from CKM matrix and number theoretical conditions
- Number theoretic conditions on U and D matrices
- The parametrization suggested by the mass squared conditions
- Thermodynamical model for the topological mixing
- U and D matrices from the knowledge of top quark mass alone?
4.5. Hadron masses
- The definition of the model for hadron masses
- The anatomy of hadronic space-time sheet
- Pseudoscalar meson masses
- Baryonic mass differences as a source of information
- Color magnetic spin-spin splitting
- Color magnetic spin-spin interaction and super-canonical contribution to the mass of hadron
- Summary about the predictions for hadron masses
- Some critical comments
5.1. Introduction
- Basic New Physics predictions
- Outline of the topics of the chapter
5.2. General vision about real and p-adic coupling constant evolution
- A general view about coupling constant evolution
- Both symplectic and conformal field theories are needed in TGD framework
- How p-adic and real coupling constant evolutions are related to each other?
- A revised view about the interpretation and evolution of Kähler coupling strength
- Does the quantization of Kähler coupling strength reduce to the quantization of Chern-Simons coupling at partonic level?
- What could happen in the transition to non-perturbative QCD?
5.3. Exotic particles predicted by TGD
- Higher boson families
- The physics of M-Mbar systems forces the identification of vertices as branchings of partonic 2-surfaces
- Super-canonical bosons
- A new twist in spin puzzle of proton
- Fractally scaled up versions of quarks
- What M89 Hadron Physics would look like?
- Topological evaporation and the concept of Pomeron
- Wild speculations about non-perturbative aspects of hadron physics and exotic Super Virasoro representations
5.4. Simulating Big Bang in laboratory
- Experimental arrangement and findings
- TGD based model for the quark-gluon plasma
- Further experimental findings and theoretical ideas
- Are ordinary black-holes replaced with super-canonical black-holes in TGD Universe?
- Conclusions
- 5. Cosmic Rays and Mersenne Primes
- Mersenne primes and mass scales
- Cosmic strings and cosmic rays
- Peaks in cosmic gamma ray spectrum
- Centauro type events, Cygnus X-3 and M89 hadrons
- TGD based explanation of the exotic events
- Cosmic ray spectrum and exotic hadrons
- Ultra high energy cosmic rays as super-canonical quanta?
5.6. TGD based explanation for the anomalously large direct CP violation in K--> 2π decay
- Basic notations and concepts
- The problems of TGD framework
- Separation of short and long distance physics using operator product expansion
- Can one understand the anomalously large direct CP breaking in TGD context?
5.7. Appendix
- The correct identification of top quark
- Effective Feynman rules and the effect of top quark mass on the effective action
- TGD predictions for U, D and CKM matrices
6.1. Introduction
- How to understand classical gauge charges and gauge coupling evolution at space-time level?
- How long ranged classical electro-weak and color gauge fields can be consistent with the smallness of parity breaking effects and color confinement?
- Topological condensation and evaporation
- Organization of the chapter
6.2. Basic conceptual framework
- Basic concepts
- Gauge charges and gauge fluxes
- Can one regard #resp. #B contacts as particles resp. string like objects?
- The relationship between inertial gravitational masses
- TGD based description of external fields
- Number theoretical considerations
6.3. Could also gauge bosons correspond to wormhole contacts?
- Option I: Only Higgs as a wormhole contact
- Option II: All elementary bosons as wormhole contacts
- Graviton and other stringy states
- Spectrum of non-stringy states
6.4. Is it possible to understand coupling constant evolution at space-time level?
- Overview
- The evolution of gauge and gravitational couplings at space-time level
- p-Adic coupling constant evolution
- About electro-weak coupling constant evolution
6.5. TGD based view about dark matter
- Dark matter as macroscopic quantum phase with a gigantic value of Planck constant
- Dark matter as macroscopic quantum phase with gigantic Planck constant
- How the scaling of hbar affects physics?
- Simulating big bang in laboratory
- Living matter as dark matter
- Anti-matter and dark matter
- Are long ranged classical electro-weak and color gauge fields created by dark matter?
6.6. Model for topological condensation and evaporation
- The description of topological condensation and evaporation in terms of partons
- Model for the structure of the topological condensate
- Energetics and kinetics of condensation and evaporation
- Fraction of particles in vapor phase in thermal equilibrium
- Quantum field model for topological evaporation and condensation
- Topological evaporation in particle physics
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Lepto-hadron hypothesis
- Anomalous e+e- pairs in heavy ion collisions
- Lepto-pions and generalized PCAC hypothesis
- Lepto-pion decays and PCAC hypothesis
- Lepto-pions and weak decays
- Orto-positronium puzzle and lepto-pion in photon photon scattering
- Spontaneous vacuum expectation of lepto-pion field as source of lepto-pions
- Sigma model and creation of lepto-hadrons in electromagnetic fields
- Classical model for lepto-pion production
- Quantum model for lepto-pion production
7.3. Further developments
- How to observe leptonic color?
- New experimental evidence
- Experimental evidence for τ-hadrons
- Could lepto-hadrons be replaced with bound states of exotic quarks?
- About the masses of lepto-hadrons
- Evaluation of leptopion production amplitude
- Production amplitude in quantum model
- Numerical evaluation of the production amplitudes
- Evaluation of the singular parts of the amplitudes
8.1. Introduction
- p-Adic length scale hierarchy
- TGD based view about dark matter
- The identification of long range classical weak gauge fields as correlates for dark massless weak bosons
- Dark color force as a space-time correlate for the strong nuclear force?
- Tritium beta decay anomaly
- Cold fusion and Trojan horse mechanism
8.2. Model for the nucleus based on exotic quarks
- The notion of color bond
- Are the quarks associated with color bonds dark or p-adically scaled down quarks?
- Electro-weak properties of exotic and dark quarks
- About the energetics of color bonds
- How strong isospin emerges?
- How to understand the emergence of harmonic oscillator potential and spin-orbit interaction?
- Binding energies and stability of light nuclei
- Strong correlation between proton and neutron numbers and magic numbers
- A remark about stringy description of strong reactions
8.3. Neutron halos, tetra-neutron, and "sticky toffee" model of nucleus
- Tetraneutron
- The formation of neutron halo and TGD
- The "sticky toffee" model of Chris Illert for alpha decays
8.4. Tritium beta decay anomaly
- Could TGD based exotic nuclear physics explain tritium beta decay anomaly?
- The model based on dark neutrinos
- Some other apparent anomalies made possible by dark neutrinos
8.5. Cold fusion and Trojan horse mechanism
- Exotic quarks and charged color bonds as common denominator of anomalous phenomena
- The experiments of Ditmireet al
- Brief summary of cold fusion
- TGD inspired model of cold fusion
- Do nuclear reaction rates depend on environment?
9.1. Introduction
- A>4 nuclei as nuclear strings consisting of A≤ 4 nuclei
- Bose-Einstein condensation of color bonds as a mechanism of nuclear binding
- Giant dipole resonance as de-coherence of Bose-Einstein condensate of color bonds
9.2. Some variants of the nuclear string hypothesis
- Could linking of nuclear strings give rise to heavier stable nuclei?
- Nuclear strings as connected sums of shorter nuclear strings?
- Is knotting of nuclear strings possible?
9.3. Could nuclear strings be connected sums of alpha strings and lighter nuclear strings?
- Does the notion of elementary nucleus make sense?
- Stable nuclei need not fuse to form stable nuclei
- Formula for binding energy per nucleon as a test for the model
- Decay characteristics and binding energies as signatures of the decomposition of nuclear string
- Are magic numbers additive?
- Stable nuclei as composites of lighter nuclei and necessity of tetraneutron?
- What are the building blocks of nuclear strings?
9.4. Light nuclei as color bound Bose-Einstein condensates of 4He nuclei
- How to explain the maximum of EB for iron?
- Scaled up QCD with Bose-Einstein condensate of 4He nuclei explains the growth of EB
- Why EB decreases for heavier nuclei?
9.5. What QCD binds nucleons to A≤ 4 nuclei?
- The QCD associated with nuclei lighter than 4He
- The QCD associated with 4He
- What could be the general mass formula?
- Nuclear strings and cold fusion
- Strong force as a scaled and dark electro-weak force?
9.6. Giant dipole resonance as a dynamical signature for the existence of Bose-Einstein condensates?
- De-coherence at the level of 4He nuclear string
- De-coherence inside 4He nuclei
- De-coherence inside A=3 nuclei and pygmy resonances
- De-coherence and the differential topology of nuclear reactions
9.7. Cold fusion, plasma electrolysis, and burning salt water
- The data
- H1.5O anomaly and nuclear string model
- A model for the observations of Mizuno
- Comparison with the model of deuterium cold fusion
- What happens to OH bonds in plasma electrolysis?
- A model for plasma electrolysis
- Comparison with the reports about biological transmutations
- Are the abundances of heavier elements determined by cold fusion in interstellar medium?
- Tests and improvements
- GSI anomaly
9.8. Dark nuclear strings as analogs of DNA-, RNA- and amino-acid sequences and baryonic realization of genetic code?
- States in the quark degrees of freedom
- States in the flux tube degrees of freedom
- Analogs of DNA, RNA, aminoacids, and of translation and transcription mechanisms
- Understanding the symmetries of the code
- Some comments about the physics behind the code
10.1. Introduction
- Evidence for long range weak forces and new nuclear physics
- Dark rules
- Implications
10.2. General ideas about dark matter
- Quantum criticality, hierarchy of dark matters, and dynamical hbar
- How the scaling of hbar affects physics and how to detect dark matter?
- General view about dark matter hierarchy and interactions between relatively dark matters
- How dark matter and visible matter interact?
- Could one demonstrate the existence of large Planck constant photons using ordinary camera or even bare eyes?
- Dark matter and exotic color and electro-weak interactions
- Anti-matter and dark matter
10.3. Dark variants of nuclear physics
- Constraints from the nuclear string model
- Constraints from the anomalous behavior of water
- Exotic chemistries and electromagnetic nuclear darkness
10.4. Water and new physics
- The 41 anomalies of water
- The model
- Comments on 41 anomalies
- Burning salt water by radio-waves and large Planck constant
10.5. Connection with mono-atomic elements, cold fusion, and sonofusion?
- Mono-atomic elements as dark matter?
- Connection with cold fusion?
- Connection with sono-luminescence and sono-fusion?
10.6. Dark atomic physics
- From naive formulas to conceptualization
- Dark atoms
- Dark cyclotron states
- Could q-Laguerre equation relate to the claimed fractionation of the principal quantum number for hydrogen atom?
10.7. Dark matter, long ranged weak force, condensed matter, and chemistry
- What is the most conservative option explaining chiral selection?
- Questions related to ordinary condensed matter and chemistry
- Dark-to-visible phase transition as a general mechanism of bio-control
- Long ranged weak forces in chemistry and condensed matter physics
- Z0 force and van der Waals equation of state for condensed matter
- Z0 force and chemical evolution
- Parity breaking effects at molecular level
- Hydrogen bond revisited
10.8. Long ranged weak and color forces, phonons, and sensory qualia
- Slowly varying periodic external force as the inducer of sound waves
- About space-time correlates of sound waves
- A more detailed description of classical sound waves in terms of Z0 force
- Does the physics of sound provide an operational definition of the dark Z0 force?
- Weak plasma waves and the physics of living matter
- Sensory qualia and dark forces
10.9. Mechanisms of Z0 screening
- General view about dark hierarchy
- Vacuum screening and screening by particles
- A quantum model for the screening of the dark nuclear Z0 charge
10.10. Appendix: Dark neutrino atoms
- Dark neutrino atoms in non-relativistic approximation
- A relativistic model for dark neutrino atom
11.1. Introduction
- Quantum criticality, hierarchy of dark matters, and dynamical hbar
- Many-sheeted space-time concept and ideas about macroscopic quantum phases
- Model for high Tc superconductivity
11.2. General TGD based view about super-conductivity
- Basic phenomenology super-conductivity
- Universality of parameters in TGD framework
- Quantum criticality and super-conductivity
- Space-time description of the mechanisms of super-conductivity
- Super-conductivity at magnetic flux tubes
11.3. TGD based model of high Tc super conductors
- Some properties of high Tc super conductors
- Vision about high Tc super-conductivity
- A detailed model for the exotic Cooper pair
- Some speculations
12.1. Introduction
12.2. About theories of quantum Hall effect
- Quantum Hall effect as a spontaneous symmetry breaking down to a discrete subgroup of the gauge group
- Witten-Chern-Simons action and topological quantum field theories
- Chern-Simons action for anyons
- Topological quantum computation using braids and anyons
12.3. A generalization of the notion of imbedding space
- Both covering spaces and factor spaces are possible
- Do factor spaces and coverings correspond to the two kinds of Jones inclusions?
- A simple model of fractional quantum Hall effect
12.4. Quantum Hall effect, charge fractionization, and hierarchy of Planck constants
- Quantum Hall effect
- TGD description of QHE
- Quantum TGD almost topological QFT
- Constraints to the Kähler structure of generalized imbedding space from charge fractionization
- In what kind of situations do anyons emerge?
- What happens in QHE?
13.1. Basic properties of CP2
- CP2 as a manifold
- Metric and Kähler structures of CP2
- Spinors in CP2
- Geodesic sub-manifolds of CP2
13.2. CP2 geometry and standard model symmetries
- Identification of the electro-weak couplings
- Discrete symmetries
13.3. Basic facts about induced gauge fields
- Induced gauge fields for space-times for which CP2 projection is a geodesic sphere
- Space-time surfaces with vanishing em, Z0, or Kähler fields
13.4. p-Adic numbers and TGD
- p-Adic number fields
- Canonical correspondence between p-adic and real numbers