Welcome to the Science of Life web site
Here you can participate in the creation of a new formulation of science. This formulation is needed because of limitations in classical scientific languaging. For example: life, love, consciousness and health cannot be described in terms of that language. A new (4D) formulation is needed, in which language characteristics and bodily functions are directly interrelated; in a (4D) consciousness-energy_time-space vector.
The essence of Life Creation MetaPhysics Forms of Consciousness Ideas (in)Formation Realisation and its formulation
The paper “Science of Life” describes that Freedom of Choice is the essence of Life; we experience this in the relationship between all cell divisions in our body. This takes place in the system interface: the System Stability Singularity Set. We implement ideas in/to our body via the Consciousness Activation Cascade. Our Body cells (units in unity) integrate information with matter via Freedom of Choice.
Real & imaginary Logic of Involvement
Life is characterised by Freedom of Choice in involvement in creation based on integration of information with/in matter

Logic of Involvement, of the Science of Life (doc/ppt), in living beings
This logic is based on the direct relationship between phase, energy, time and space. These dimensions are interrelated by shifts in degrees of freedom: Freedom of Choice. The simplest manner to unify these 4D dynamics is in the shape of a Gabor Vortex. This pertains also to the shift in our involvement, which determines shifts in realisation.
Many topics will be addressed here by many different authors. You will find links to web sites of work of relevant authors. See >What’s New< for the latest additions to this web site.
- What makes Science of Life different
from a science of dead matter?
- How do we experience, engage, Freedom of Choice?
- Is Consciousness, in essence, the same as matter?
- What makes (y)our being Unique?
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Recommended books:
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The Core Concepts:
This web site explores the nature of life: what it is, how we live it.
You are welcome to participate and contribute your information to this web cite. Soon, this web site will also offer a Wiki, a Forum and a Collaboration workspace. You are invited to contribute and/or sponsor.
In studying life we need to go beyond what is studied by classical science. It opted for understanding the properties of matter. It used the faculty of analysis. And it formulated in terms of objectivity. It defined the nature of matter.
For this we need to look further than the subatomic phase field that underlies the existence of matter. We need to understand the origin and origination of this phase field. It is at this level that we see the duality of information (in formation) and matter (its manifestation) as experienced with/in our body. What we seek is not a description; we live it. We are dealing here with a formal and fundamental understanding of the nature of reality and realisation.
It is also a formal formulation of existence, and health. Classical science bequeathed society with a blind spot: it could not describe newness. As a result, reality, and living beings have become regarded (and treated) as if dead objects. Life Science puts response-ability, and the scientist, back as/at the core of science. And explores the blind spots of science: life, live, consciousness and health. Our involvement.
Life is different.
It is a realm where matter is determined by mind. In our body there is an interplay between information and matter. In our body, all matter is formed by living cells. In our body, and all living beings we find a property of Freedom of Choice. This is not found in inert matter.
Physical science teaches a lot about the properties of - dead - matter. The basis of Modern Medicine is Classical science. This explored the nature of nature, beginning with the nature of matter. At the time, it was a logical choice: to study materials, invariance, inertia: deadness. These insights are deadly when used in dealing with living beings. The difference between lie and death lies in freedom of choice.
Matter is immaterial; in(-)formation matters
Science of Life is fundamentally different from conventional (classical) science. We need to address the relationship between units and unity, integrity and integration, information and matter, freedom of choice and our experience of con-sequences.
One of the starting points in the discussion is the need to describe the dynamics of cell division (unit =:= unity). How can we describe 1 =?= 2 =?= 4, and so on?
In which ways can virus (in biology, and computing) help us understand the interaction between information and matter?
More topics will be added; we invite you to contribute your own.
The science of life is by definition a subjective science. We experience it; we live it.
This web site explores the nature of life: what it is, how we live it.
In studying life we need to go beyond what is studied by classical science. It opted for understanding the properties of matter. It used the faculty of analysis. And it formulated in terms of objectivity. It defined the nature of matter.
Life is different. It is a realm where matter is determined by mind. In our body there is an interplay between information and matter. In our body, all matter is formed by living cells. In our body, and all living beings we find a property of Freedom of Choice. This is not found in inert matter.
Physical science teaches a lot about the properties of - dead - matter. The basis of Modern Medicine is Classical science. This explored the nature of nature, beginning with the nature of matter. At the time, it was a logical choice: to study materials, invariance, inertia: deadness. These insights are deadly when used in dealing with living beings. The difference between life and death lies in freedom of choice.
This web site explains and explores the nature of life.
- It shows how living beings differ from ‘dead rock’.
- It spells the difference between living materials and dead matter; organic and inorganic.
- It shows the difference between life and death.
- It invites you to experience his for yourself; in your living body.
You will discover that we need to regard all of science in a different manner.
- Objective is subjective.
- Consciousness matters.
- Our involvement decides the outcome of an equation.
- Reality is by definition a realisation.
The descriptions require a different formal basis. The SU4 formulations of fundamental physics needs to be complemented by a matrix which defines the parameters by which we interact with the observation, and the operator of freedom of choice within us. The Nilpotent formulation of physics will be needed for this purpose.
“Reality is not what is. It is the consequence of our involvement in realisation.”
Science of life can use all of the findings of classical science, but in inverse.
In life forms, the physical substance is the consequence of the living process. ‘Mind over Matter’. Not energy but synergy determines the dynamic of living cells. It is not decided by matter, but by information. Not the objective reality outside but the subjective realisation within determines the outcome.
Living beings have freedom of choice. Inside, they can change the response to what happens outside. Stress can be turned into stimulus, in finding new perspectives in dealing with he world around us. Inert, dead, matter has no choice. This is why the models of classical science are of no use for healing. Living organisms change the properties of matter to create new responses. The materials the body is composed of are secreted by living cells. Life is not about chemistry but about alchemy: the phases of change of matter in response to flows of information. It is the metaphysics - phasics - that determines the physics.
The reality of life science is the realisation of the living scientist. Always.
There is nothing objective about the science of life. Every moment is a unique realisation. Yet, every moment is part of the 'realisation' of the universe as a whole. The freedom of choice in the moment makes use of the potential of change of phase state in matter. This makes life science fascinating. It deals with the predictability of unpredictability. It is the realm where mind has /direct/ effect on matter: in your living body. The Science of Life web site was set up to help use that wisely.
What this web site will offer:
- the idea
This is a classical fixed web site, with information selected and presented by the web master.
- the repository and link library
Here you can download and upload (under consent) information on the science of life
- the forum
This is a meeting place and workspace for the creation of new ideas
- the work space
The laboratory work environment (eGroupware) makes it possible to work together all over the planet
- The web site is open for all to visit.
- The repository requires your identification for participation in download (or upload)
- The forum requires membership, and requests a donation of €11 for a lifetime.
- The Workspace need your support for hosting:
€111 will last a lifetime (please find sponsors if you cannot afford this yourself).
The Earth offers everything freely. People charge people money.
Your Contribution
In order to upkeep the web site and server your contribution is needed.
- Perhaps your input is in doing the work; perhaps it is in donating money.
- If you have money to spare you may consider offering scholarships to others.
Forms of participation
- Free : -be
You are welcome to browse here and study, and share what you find with others.
- Donation
You are welcome to make more use of what this site has to offer. We suggest that you pay a €11 donation if you use what you find in your work or for education.
- Membership
You may use what you find here for your work and presentations. If you use this site to work on projects with others, please contribute to site upkeep; €111 for a lifetime.
- Scholarships
Thanks to those who have had money to spare (such as by deduction for taxes) it is possible for others to participate in this project with your fee paid for by others.
This web site has been set up to help you; to serve humankind, to live with wisdom on Earth. This web site is a holoversity project.
You can propose topics and changes as follows:
- study what the web site has to offer; also study the FAQ
- participate in the Wiki; and/or upload your (!) work via the Blog or the uplink. Specify where it could best be posted.
- contribute to the ongoing work in the collaboration space, and present what you (!) have to offer.
- join those who together create and design, uphold and maintain the web site. Make this a great web site.
This project has been set up by the Foundation for Integral Health Care, in Amsterdam. (SIG: de Stichting ter bevordering van de Integratie van Geneeswijzen.) in collaboration with ProVisions. Others who wish to help develop this project, sponsoring the work, hosting mirrors, or creating the context for this work to develop, are welcome.
Institutions are requested to make a helpful donation if they find the work shown here in any way inspired their thinking.
Corporations are requested to sponsor this web site if they discover that they were able to market new products on basis of what this web site offers.
The science of life is by definition a subjective science. We experience it; we live it.
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