Phase - Photon - Electron - Phonon Soience of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

Phase - Photon - Electron - Phonon;
How CETS matters in our living body

O#o van Nieuwenhuijze

One of the keys to life lies in the phase properties of the photon.
Photons link the quantum leaps of electrons within, between, atoms.
This is possible due to the existence of a Potential Null Space (a domain of maximised zero potential) in the space between atomic orbits.
This is the domain of Freedom of Choice, to which Photons offer a key: they show how we link freedom of choice at different levels of realisation and manifestation.

The following explains why we need to revise the model of Photon - Electron interaction (O#o).
It will be presented that the photon and electron are directly related.
This calls for a phase base perspective - for both - instead of a particle model.
That puts information, not matter, at the basis of life and all of creation.

    In this section, the ideas of Phil Callahan, Bill Tiller, Chevalier and O#o are presented to find an integrated (phase/wave) approach to give a more meaningful view on the relationship between photons and electrons.

The core relationship involves:

Grid-electron - Bound electron - Free Electron - Photon

Four steps will be used in the description:

  1. electron-photon dynamics
  2. photon-phonon dynamics
  3. electron-electricity phase states
  4. degrees of freedom in(-)formation.

1) Electron Photon dynamics:

(c) O#o.

The following text describes high level abstraction using common words.
Please let the words soak in and find their own meaning in the ways they are used and used together in the text below. Sometimes this is the only way to use common words to address uncommon levels of abstraction. The texts are best understood by not trying to understand them. Simply take in what is written and let your unconscious mind find their meaning. The descriptions do not refer to the reality that you know; they pertain to its creation. The text is not about reality, but about realisation. Again: it does not matter if you understand this while you read it; by reading it - with an open mind - understanding will find you.

1) Physical Matter

We need to understand how the the electron and photon relate:

  1. as electron in a large scale array (grid electron),
  2. an electron that is part of an atom (bound electron),
  3. an electron that takes part in molecular binding/currents, (free electron)
  4. and a photon

On order to be able to describe this, we first need to review the traditional model for electrons. We will find:

  1. We need to abolish the particle model for the electron
  2. We need to adopt a model combining protons and electrons
  3. We can see that this calls for phase wave models
  4. We can conclude that electrons and photons are “wave phase”.

Preamble: The phase field model

    The phase field model is based on the realisation that chance does not explain the coupling between a photon and electron.
    There must be a more basic relationship between the photon and electron.
    A parallel can be found in the 1-to-1 balance between an electron and a proton; which proposes they form a pair.
    The vortex model which can be used for that (electron-proton) pairing can be used for the electron-photon pairing also (See below.).

    For the pairing a different level of explanation will be needed.
    This needs to describe how electron-photon/proton vortices can extend and interact.
    For this a Singularity-Complementarity model is needed.
    At a large scale this is a model which ties in with the preservation of oneness coherence in our living body.
    At the smaller scale this ties in with the principle of cell division, in the precise moment that the laws of matter are determined by the coherence of phase space.

    This means that we first use a (phase) model of atomic physics.

    Then we will make use of the model of life: cell division.

Photon - electron interaction

Photons are associated with the (quantum) leap from one orbit to another of an electron that is part of an atom.
It is unfeasible that any photon flying in through space will hit an orbiting electron with the precise velocity, direction and impulse that it, precisely, jumps from one atom orbit to another.
This model, based on the collision of billiard balls, can best be explained in the billiard ball model:
Imagine a billiard ball flying at a speed of near light-speed around an atom nucleus, and do the calculation on the precise moment of impact to kick the billiard ball electron into a different orbit:

  • An electron is postulated to orbit an electron at (near) light speed.
  • A photon is postulated to travel at light speed
  • Precision impact for the electron to jump from one orbit to another - without destabilising the orbits - requires an absolutely precise timing, an absolute exact precision of the moment of impact, the absolutely precise velocity of the photon, and the absolutely precise spin compensation in transfer.
  • The Heissenberg Uncertainty precludes this.
    It is not possible to hit an electron orbiting an atom at light speed by a photon travelling, at light speed, with the precision demanded for one precise quantum leap without destabilising the atom.

This means that the classical particle model for atoms is ‘useless’ to understand cosmic/body dynamics.
A different model is needed.
The following returns to the basis of atomic/quantum physics: the Schrödinger description.
This is then extended to include a dual vortical description with a dual resonance model description; which then can be inferred to be valid for cell division (and body integrity) also.

Schrödinger Wave model atom

In the Schrödinger wave model the atom is not based on particles, but it is a wave oscillation.
Orbits can be accounted for as a wave travelling at its unit wavelength; or harmonics thereof.
Wave gaps (the space between orbits) is where the wave, at Lambda +/- 1/2, cancels out: it is a null space (domain of phase cancellation).
In this system there are longitudinal/circular waves (along the orbits), transverse/lateral waves (between orbits), expansion/compression waves (scale change) and resonant waves (between separate atoms).

In this model ‘particles’ have no meaning.
The (primary) P-waves and (secondary) S-waves are resonant modes within the atom.
The atom itself is defined by a resonant pattern, with its density harmonics.
The ‘particles’ in the ‘atom’ are the wave modes that circulate within this system.

1 (one) ‘particle’ on an orbit amounts to a resonant wave along the circular resonant wave.
N (any) ‘particles’ on an orbit amount to a multiple of resonant waves along the ‘circular orbit’.
The “Pauli Principle” is based on the coupling between the longitudinal and transverse wave in a spheroidal phase wave pattern.
Electron leaps” between orbits are simply the shift of the resonance wave to accommodate for a different density (multiplicity) of harmonics.

All descriptions of ‘particles’ can be replaced by description of wave nodes.
Electrons are resonant-travelling waves along the Lambda = N wave band.
Protons are the associated wave node ‘attractors’; their shadow image.
Photons are the (dual) resonant wave oscillations between two (resonant phase field wave) ‘atoms’.
The Lambda = N +/- 1/2 wave domains are the required ‘membranes’ (inner-phasing interfaces) for dimensional state calibration.

The ‘space between orbits’ has a rich meaning in the phase wave model: it is the placeof maximum potential.
Although this is the domain where the L = N +/- 1/2 wave lengths cancel each other out, this is also the domain of maximalisation of potential precisely because this is the domain of wave phase cancellation.
This domain is the equivalent of a Zero Point Transition.
By the Tiller phase wave equations this is where - at the zero point - the greatest susceptibility exists for phase modulation: it is the site of largest information density, because it is the locus of greatest possible distinction (Spencer Brown; Parker-Rhodes).

Each waveband of L = N +/- 1/2 is an active site of Freedom of Choice.
The slightest perturbation at this level will determine a change of outcome at the level of manifestation; the electron orbits.
For all forms of matter these domains of Freedom of Choice form the ‘resonators’ for change.
Together with the high degree of energification (the L+(1/2) and the L-(1/2) waves in conjunction) this represents an amplifier for choice activation.
Whereas this is decisive in all physical states of matter (composes of atom phase wave fields), this is particularly important in living beings, where the material phase organisation (materialisation) is determined by the information phase field.

The resonant wave model of the atom reduces the complexity of any atom to a 3D resonant, 4D spatial phase wave.
This places atomic physics as a sub branch of (spatial stable) 4D phase wave harmonics/patterns.
This extends the understanding of atomics into the temporal domain (see the papers on 4D Time and STEC phase state dynamics).
It also means that the atomic model is now a (spatially stable) subset of a limited class of (temporally stable) energy state dynamics; which are scalable into different modes of dynamics (in which the 4 Fundamental Forces of Physics are all interconnected).

More important is that the spatial, temporal and energy form of the “atomic” resonant wave phase field, can now be understood -directly - as a 4D (STEC).
Inn the - much more fundamental - 4D description the existence of the atom is related, directly, to its creation and elimination; including its ongoing regeneration as a spatial organisation of a temporal vibration of an energy equation of a phase field creation.
This understanding requires a complete re-evaluation of the topics, concepts and formulations of classical science.
We are no longer dealing with energy, over time, determining the space state; instead we are dealing (directly) with the principle of manifestation of coherent phase states out of the principles of creation (phase (re)organisation).

The above calls for a redefinition, and a change of understanding, for the ‘particular’ definition of electrons, and protons.
Instead of defining an atom as based on the interplay of electrons and protons, we now realise ‘protons’, ‘electrons’ (and ‘photons’) as specific wave modulation with/in an ‘atom’: a more general wave field.
The wave field activation determines its interactions, thus degree of resonance, and thus its degree of manifestation.
This calls for a description of the classical ‘particles’ in the same terms as the redefined ‘atom’: as a resonant phase wave.

This leads us to a more detailed understanding of the atom as a resonant wave field.
We will find that this resonance has very specific dimensional characteristics.
The wave form will be understood to be comprised out of vortical dual wave pars; the gaps between the wave bands in the ‘atoms’ are a generalisation of this concept.
Together it helps understand that the ‘atom’ is a wave field which is based on an ongoing wave inversion - based on Dimensional Transitions - taking form as an energy equation with temporal stabilisation into a stable space state.

Proton - Electron coupling

For every proton there is said to be an electron.
It makes more sense to say that protons and electrons form a dual-unit, in which their complementarity is an essential trait of their unity.
This requires a model, a description, in which protons and electrons can be described.
In the Schrödinger model of the ‘atom’ each particle is a resonant node on a standing wave as part as a travelling wave with focalised phase inversion (localisation; i.e. the wave has a defined wave front: a site of phase inversion).
Equivalent to the exchange of photons between atoms, there is also an exchange between electrons, and protons (each respectively requiring an additional coherence between degrees of freedom, in order to be accomplished.)

Instead of defining a proton and electron as separate particles with different inertia and mass density, it is also possible to understand them as different resonant modes; with corresponding different effects in interaction with other resonant wave states; such as our living body or mechanical detectors.
In this case we can understand a neutron, proton, electron and photon to be different phase modes (due to our different relationship in involvement with its perception/detection).
These differences in perception are the same relative differences in perception between the ‘four fundamental forces of physics”; they too in their differences in perception simply reflect different modes/degrees of involvement.

Diabolo model

The simplest model for a proton-electron pairing is in the form of a Diabolo.
This is a double-vortex; using the same formal description of the Einstein “Light Cone”.
The difference is that in this description the cone does not have infinite extension: there is a measure where the phase coherence of the ‘light cone’ creates a local form of densification: the proton-electron ‘wavebands’.
For the relationship between an proton and electron, we can infer that the Diabolo is the most compact formulation: a dual resonance form, in polar opposite domains, linked by a Dimensional Transition.

Lightning and ball lightning

At a larger scale, the balance between protons and electrons already is decided, and decisive, in the Primordial Gas cloud.
At this stage of creation the phases of matter did not yet condense beyond the ionisation phase.
The uniVerse - as a whole - has been modelled as consisting of ions.
The interactions - at any and all levels - take place as a change in polarisation.

This means that Cosmic Gas Cloud Dynamics is based on gradients of phase reorganisation.
This is commonly known as bolt lightning.
In the cosmic gas cloud the lightning discharges ‘compute’ the charge discharge, for each ion, region and the Gas cloud (cq. uniVerse as a whole.
This has been described - by many cultures - in terms of a “Feathered Snake” of “Plumed Serpent” (Lucifer, Quetzalcoatl).

These lightning lines of charge discharge are the ‘Meridians’ for the calibration of and for the system.
In any system where electrodynamics co-exists with (plasma) gas dynamics, there will be internal circulations by which the charge-distrarge iso-phase vectors (the Meridians) form closed loop and cycles.
When two or more sich meridians meet a local inversion singularity will be created: a ball lighning, a.k.a. a Star.

The stars are sites where the internal charge-discharge inversion leads to a build up from excursion, to recursion, incursion and hyperincursion.
In these locations the proto-electron couples are resorted, and enfolded.
The result is a specific - local static dynamic organisation - in which neutrons, protons, Electrons and Photons are interconnected.
Note that the models of classical relativistic atomic physics portray the same organisation as that seen on/as planet earth:

  • neutrons ~ the earth crust/core
  • protons ~ earth’s oceans
  • electrons ~ earth’s atmosphere
  • photons ~ interplanetary exchanges.

Evidently, any similarity between models is based on sameness in the patterns of thinking by which those models are created.

The models of atomic physics are based on the underlying models of description.
In this sense the models of atomic physics are, must be, based on the models of the dynamics of the ionic cosmic gas cloud.
This again must be based on the models of relationship between electrons and protons (plus neutrons and photons; for the denser forms of materialisation.
In order to be able to account for coherence (unity) in the uniVersum, it is necessary to describe the relationship between matter, atoms, ionic cloud charge-discharge in a manner where protons and electrons are connected; as offered by the Diabolo/Atomic-Wave model.

Matters of Phase - Phases of Matter

More fundamental than the existence of matter is the principle of materialisation.
Above it has been shown that it makes more sense to think in terms of waves (the particle model creates conflicts in understanding photon-electron interactions).
On basis of the atomic resonant phase wave model for the atom (and the Diabolo model for the Proton-Electron), we find a direct link between the spatial organisation of the ‘atom’, the temporal stability ‘envelope’ which this requires, the energy equation (equilibrium phase) which this requires, on basis of a 4D dynamic condensed into a 3D space state.
In the Electron-Photon link we see that all atoms are resonant linked; and that specific atoms within groups of atoms (molecules, matter) need to be understood as linked in unity by the resonant phase wave space that they all form part of.
These principles are more easy to understand when we do not regard the phases of matter, but the phases of manifestation as seen in the division of living cells.

2) Living Matter

There is no difference between atoms of physical and living matter.
The atoms (phase wave fields) are the same.
The difference lies in the coupling between the levels of Freedom of Choice, which in living beings is decisive for the integration of information in matter.
Living being are characterised by the way, and degree, in which the phase changes of matter are determined by the state changes of information.
What is best seen at the level of the Dimensional Transitions between the electron-protons and between the ‘atomic orbits’, is likewise seen in the organisational and trans-material moments of cell division.

In cell Division we see the same ‘diabolo’ model (albeit now at a large scale) as that which can be used for the proton-electron coupling.
In the sequence of cell divisions we however also see the coupling of the Singularities of the system.
The System Singularity Stability Set is the paramount decisive concept for the systemic stability (health!) of the living being.
The coupling via the system singularities is equivalent to the photon-electron coupling between atoms.

It needs to be noted that - in physical atomic physics - the coupling between separate atoms is ignored in the description.
Molecular chemistry mainly focuses on the structural construct out of a complex of atoms.
However, on the basis of the Phase Wave Field model it is clear that the solid/liquid/gas/plasma properties are already found in the neutron/proton/electron/photon traits found in the atomic system description.
These “Four Elements” of the Alchemists - like the Four Fundamental Forces of Physics - depend on our own degree of involvement.

In living system organisation, the factor determining life is not found in the cell, not in the cell membrane, but in the transitions in-and-between the cells at the moment of cell division.
This is where the material substance is (actively) seen to be determined by the processes in phase space.
Physically it can be seen that not matter but in(-)formation determines the process; inn fact the processing of information.
The link therein lies not in the phases of matter, but in the organisational coherence dynamics of the Degrees of freedom; the Dimensional Transitions between the phase states, and their (non)local dynamics are determines by the Singularity Set Stability of the System.

    to be continued...

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