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Atom Core - Deuteron Earth-Puzzel logo

  d.d. 2014.05.26

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Atom Core : The DEUTRON

Tetryonics has a very different starting point and approach.
Starting point is the Planck Quantum.
It is represented as a triangle; and has electromagnetic properties.
It has an equilateral geometry; which proves to perfectly tie in with physics.

The Templates show how we can model it.
03.06 shows how physics concluded that the Quantum is fundamental.
Atomic physics realised that subatomic particles exist.
And that the unit of change is the Planck Constant.

Tetryonics presents it as an equilateral triangle.
Squares, in physics, correspond with larger size equilateral triangles.
Each next layer adds a squared number of triangle to the group.
The root of the square is found to be the height of the triangle: linear momentum.

Energy/second = mass
Energy/second**2 = Matter

Many people know "e=mc**2".
Thus "m= e/c**2".
However, in dimensions m =:= Matter.
Mass is not at all the same as Matter.

Quantum charge is angular momentum / c**2.
This is a measure of "seconds".
Quantum Charge follows from that; 1/12 of the elementary charge.
This is shown in 03.06

We can use this to put quanta in Patterns.
In Physics, the Planck quanta can form Tetrahedra.
These are the foundation of Matter.
It is a closed Volume; inert and invariant in space.

Neutral Tetryons are Gluons.
In combination Tetryons can form Quarks, Leptons and Baryons.
They have an inert topology, but each has a surface charge.
These determine how Tetryons can be combines, to form larger units.

Leptons are composed of Tetryons; with in total 12 charges
Tetryonics originated from the quest to understand the 1/3 charges of Quarks.
It led to the realisation that Quarks are in fact combinations of 8 and 4 charges.
The strong force is based on Tetryon surface charge; weak forces by Tetryon edge charges.

The Tetryons create shapes, by their charged topologies.
They are not spheres, but tetrahedral.
With equilateral charges fascia ("Higgs Bosons").
With a 3D Matter Topology, 'coated' by a mass charge geometry

07.03 shows the topology of the quarks.
The different charges discern between different quark types.
07.05 shows the difference versus an up-quark
09.01 shows how the particles come together

Mesons are quark-anti-quark pairings.
Tetryonics shows the details; of charge pairing.
It is based on the way charges can complement each other.
Neutral pions are therein more stable than other forms.

Matter and anti-matter doe not annihilate.
They are particles with opposite charges.
(In fact, inside out versions of the same)
09.03 shows how 3 quarks form Baryons

Baryons are icosahedral.
Differentiate between the 2D Planck Quanta and 3D Tetryon volumes.
2D is mass, thus energy
3D is Matter, thus structure

Baryons are (anti)protons and (anti)neutrons.
Tetryonics shows the topology; and the Planck quantum charges.
All observed elementary charges can be calculated from these models.
The Tetryonic models match the finding of physical science

That means that Tetryonics is indeed a Bottom Up approach.
10.02 shows how 9 Tetryons form a Proton.
These thus have 4x9=36 charge surfaces.
Some of these are internal; due to the topology.

Physics cannot see this; Tetryonics can.
High-energy physics could break up protons to find the Tetryons.
Be aware that Tetryons can be confused with electrons; or with neutrons.
The decay tracks become meaningful when Tetryonic topologies are understood.

The proton has +12 charge; and has a very clear topology.
It is NOT a sphere with charge 1.
24+ and 12- charges on the surface results in +12.
In top view it is a pentagon; from below a hexagon.

This can be compared to the Neutron: 10.03
No, with 18+ and 18- charges; thus a net zero charged.
A neutron is NOT neutral; but net-neutral; yet charged.
It has the topology of a proton; determining the structural fits.

Only strong forces can create stable bonding.
That determines how quarks can build up.
up-down-up is the only way to build a proton.
Down-up-Down can build a neutron.

Tetryonics shows the topology of anti-neutrons.
You can confirm this for yourself using the Tetryon Templates.
It is an anti-neutron with 36 pi mass geometries.
anti-up-anti-down-anti-up gives -12 ; and anti-proton.

The charge imbalance is important; also that the geometry is not the opposite of a proton.
Only by building the shapes can you see this>
And see that all the elementary charges match up.
Now seeing that the platonic topologies with charges determine the shapes.

10.06 shows the comparisons of protons and neutrons.
Charge wise they are opposite; the topologies are the same.
The opposition in charges determines how they bind.
And that is why Neutrons can bind: they combine + and - within.

As always + and - attract; as can now been explicitly seen.
Tetryonics shows the solution of fundamental problems.
and shows how all quarks in combination create the different particles.
Tetryonics shows directly what high energy physics found wit much work.

Adding energies is the counterpart of charged fascia connecting.
The Matter Topologies are always the same, for the 3 gens>
The amount of Planck quanta, mass energy is different.
They are thereby heavier, or move faster.

Up-down-up can thus be replaced by quarks with different Planck densities.
charm, bottom, and other energy levels quarks can thus be combined.
with only up-down-up; because only then can the charges combine.
Many of the assumed combinations in physics, are extremely unstable.

All possible arrangements are mapped on the right: 216 combinations
512 is the anti-forms are included.
The matter topologies are the same.
But the mass charge arrangements differ.

Tetryonics explains the whole particle zoo.
10.10 shows the best-known particle patterns.
In which heavier mass quarks are to be accounted for.
10.11 shows how the charm/bottom sigma’s can be represented.

The charged mass geometries show how attraction and repulsion determine structural stability>
When repulsion dominates the particles will fall apart.
10.12 and 12.13, 10.14 show the naming complexity; for the topological simplicity.
And helps understand why particles cannot exist for long times.

12.04 shows the strong force interaction, that binds Tetryons.
Not drawn lines, but understanding surface mass charges.
With the area of interaction shown as the 'purple' ribbons.
These are the fascias that are in contact and charge-connected.

The strong force is in the fascia.
cf. sticking to panes of water together by a water film in-between.
It is a unique binding process; INSIDE of the Matter topology.
With 36 pi charged topologies; only 20 pi matter topologies 'surface'.

2D illustrations do not help understand this.
Build the models; see it fall in place.
In making the model you get hands-on experience; beyond what you can imagine.
Spatial orientation is literally what Matters.

"Hold them in your hand".
Rene Coumier created 3D models.
See how you can bring 2 baryons together, to create a deuteron.
It is a deuterium atom without the electron.

This doubles the mass-energy topology.
And forms the unit element of every atom.
Helium is not an element, but a free radical.
It does not have a neutron; thus Z-number = zero.

13.01 focuses on Hydrogen.
Adding an electron neutralises the charge.
Adding a neutron changes the shape: it can store the electron.
Thence the electron can now interact differently and form elements.

Energy can be added, increasing the energy level of the electron>
It can be increased from N1 to N7: Tritium.
Adding more energy breaks away the electron.
The deuterium is a Rotating Synchronous Converter.

They can absorb/store energy, in/as rotation.
Tritium is the higher energy level of Deuterium.
The KEM field changes; not the structural topology.
The electron is magnetically bound to the Baryons.

This makes the electron into a flywheel.
In Deuterium, or Tritium, the structure is the same but the mass differs.
We can now explicitly show the energy levels associated with every atom.
As shown by the Schrödinger wave equation.

The electron will keep on spinning, by its N-energy level.
In Hydrogen the energy will tend to drop down; creating the spectral energy lines.
In Deuterium radio-active decay is created instead; or beta decay with electron ejection.
The rate of energy decay is easily measured; and now accounted for via electrical theory.

Every atom is not physical; but (also) electrical.
It is a mass rotor; explaining energy changes.
Electrical theory explicitly applies to quantum dynamics.
There are no 'small balls' but energy geometries on topologies.

13.02 shows how Hydrogen can form Helium.
Protons and neutrons have same mass energy.
Neutrons are NOT protons that absorbed an electron.
You cannot form a standard electron into a proton.

The neutron is a proton with a different charge.
It is the anti-neutral particle.
Neutrons and anti-neutrons are charges in balance.
thus can interact with charged particles.

there are 3 forms of matter:

Helium is formed by residual strong force.
The surfaces do not touch.
The edges touch, with a space between the surfaces.
With enough proximity to allow for somewhat stable bonding.

13.03 shows the Hydrogen family; and energy levels.
The energy must be accounted for separately.
e.g. 24.768 quanta to change Deuterium into Tritium.
You cannot ignore the mass, in regarding the topology.

The energy in the Tritium is close to the energy of Hydrogen.
13.04 shows how the energy difference is important.
The first van be changed; the second is stored in/as Matter.
The Topology is inert; the mass is dynamic and active.

The numbers of energy level are shown on the page.
The recording explains the relational importance.
And how Tetryonics shows details that physics cannot see.
And how radio activity and particle rays are related.

Helium 3 can be found on the Moon.
And can be related to the energy in atoms.
13.05 and 13.06 shows the energy atomics.
13.06 shows the alchemical elements, as energy associated with Matter.

Deuterium nuclei can be stacked; acting as batteries in series.
They can also be stacked sideways: acting as parallels in parallel.
Matter originates form the way the Deuterons are stacked.
And the amount of energy that can be stored/released by that.

Adding en electron changes a battery to an engine.
The electron can store, transform and release energy.
The more energy that is stored, the more than can be released>
As was discussed in the Photon Spectral Lines lecture.

We can use Deuterium to power all our energy needs.
Because in essence that is precisely what it is.
This is quantum scale electric information engineering.
The geometry of the mass energy; is stacked in the Matter Topologies.

The more mass energy you add, the heavier it becomes; not larger.
A gram of matter can store enough energy for most of our needs.
Using the principles of electrical engineering.
In the form of electron spin, in the Deuteron storage unit.

The electron spins freely, on a magnetic bearing.
And efficiently; as seen in all the spectral colours in the universe.
We see electrical theory united with quantum theory.
Correcting many aspects of the current model in physics.

Omega is the foundation of the Planck Unit.
Building the Deuteron model of atoms.
Explaining all of the theories of physics.
Showing how the universe is one system.

- - -

We see how boson and  photon, transverse and longitudinal, mass and Matter relate.
Tetryonics explains the foundations that physics could not explain.
Tetryonics extends all findings of physics; and shows the same findings.
But now connects electromagnetism to material (dynamics).

Tetryonics is the charges mass geometry for the Matter topology of Physics.
Words are important; and differences between mass and Matter are important.
The  more you play with it the better you can recognise it.
And can model details of what happens at the atomic level.

Tetryonics starts with where physics ended: the Planck quantum
Tetryonics shows what physics has found, now as explanation.
Tetryonic explains how unseen energies move matter./
Tetryonics allows you to model all, with triangles of paper.


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[Tetryonics  {Created by Kelvin Abraham}] [Interviews] ["Experiencing a Paradigm Shift"] [Tetryonics in Education] ['Exploring the Unknown, Doing the Undone'] [Tetryonic Templates] ['Bottom-Up Modelling the Universe'] ['Playing with/at Universal Creation'] ['Linking Paper with Principles'] [The Tetryonics Atom] [Radio-Active Active-Radio] [Tetryonic Gravitation / 'Graviton'] [The Tetryon Universe] [The Tetryon Photon] [Tetryonic Biology] [Tetryonics Atomics: Static/Radiative Fields] [Tetryonic Electromagnetic Universe] [Hypothesising: Electric Field Healing] [Tetryonic Gravity 1 (Displaced Vacuum)] [Tetryonic Gravity 2 ((Anti)Matter)] [Triangles (forces) forming Tetrahedra (forms)] [Radio Circuits and/as Tetryonics] [Zero Point Energy Theory] [Zero Point Energy Technology] [P vs NP Problem Solution] [Navier Stokes Problem Solution] [mass AND Matter] [Cosmic Constants 1] [Cosmic Constants 2] [mass ON Matter] [mass VERSUS Matter] [Photons 1] [Photons 2] [Photons 3a Spectral Lines] [Photons 3b Spectral Lines] [Photons 4 Techology] [Water] [Atom Core - Deuteron] [Atom Composites - Overview] [Atom Aufbau] [Future Topics] [Info] [Course in Tetryonics] [Resources]