
O#o (c) SoL

The Tetryonics Atom Earth-Puzzel logo

  d.d. 2014.03.11

  The Audio recording:

1.1) The Description
1.2) The Model
1.3) The Particle Fallacy
1.4) The Tetryonic Model

1) The Description

School models of the atom presents a nucleus, surrounded by electrons.
Billiard balls, miniature solar systems; with a corresponding math.
It is the model the Greeks proposed and Quantum theory still uses.
School just asks you to believe it, and repeat what you were told for a pass mark.

2) The Model

The model was developed over millennia; the word “Atom” come from Greece.
Thomson and Dalton modelled atoms as a bun, or cluster of billiard balls>
Rutherford realised that the atom was mainly empty space.
But also that there were reflected images of very dense small 'objects'.

Later tests showed that there were spectral lines, indicating electron positions.
Exciting the atom lead to discovery of fixed levels of jumps of the 'electrons'>
That was seen to be connected to specific light frequencies.
With the quantum stepping: absorbing/releasing specific frequencies.

Plank switched from a mathematical to a mathematical approach.
In his thesis (?) he described that he had not expected that to work.
But he measured that there were specific frequencies involved in atomic changes.
That was the birth of quantum mechanics: the continuous classical model suddenly became discrete.

Probabilities had to be included: Bohr and Einstein discussed in the Solvey Conference.
Einstein stepped out on the conversation by saying 'god does not play with dice'.
And got the retort from the others: 'Do NOT tell god what to do'.
Yet: the atom is now evidently no longer solid.

3) The Particle Fallacy

Atoms are said to be composed of smaller particles.
The Tetryonic Templates may be helpful for this.
They help to get a 'hands' on feeling' for the basics.
It is needed to see how complex forms hang together.

The starting point is a triangle; the basic triangle is a Planck Constant.
There are two charges: + & -; in combinations they form charged Bosons.
Imagine a sheet of paper, 3D, Euclidean, with x- & y-axis, and a direction of travel.
That also means that it has momentum: e=mvv.

It will spread out at the speed of light; c.
Thence e=mcc.
With this you can see how triangles can be combined.
They will have different colours, due to frequency differences.

The direction matters: as positive and negative charges.
Two triangles together form a photon; which is neutral.
They have even numbers of triangles, in a diamond shape.
The charged parts interact; and will form patterns.

This creates what is called a particle; it has a volume; thus a z-axis component.
Thus matter has a relationship to a tetrahedron: leptons, baryons and so on.
This, dues to combinations of + & - charges, interacting.
This is what is called "energy"; a triangle; EM fields, at speed of light.

These fields (triangles) form the particles (tetrahedrons).
The basic triangles are mas-energy; a field.
Cut out the templates, stick them together.
And see how the tetrahedral forms are intersections of the EM field.

That is why radio waves go through you; but matter does not.
Mass, 2D, is a property of 3D matter; 4 triangles together form matter.
The property of matter is not the property of mass; they are in different dimensions.
Beware that physics is very sloppy in discerning energy, mass and matter.

Mass energy is always preserved.
'It cannot be created not destroyed'.
But ... that does not apply to matter.
Matter can be destroyed and created.

Matter can be collapsed; the energy dissolved will radiate out.
Stars do not fuse elements, but collapse matter and spread out the energy.
This implies a wave particle duality; a standard confusion in the models.
Newton described particles, Young described the same as waved.

Particles can be compared to a boat; in 3D
When a particle moves, it creates a wave field around it: the crest and wake wave.
Around each particle there will be a field; if the particle stops the wake travels on.
The faster the boat goes, the larger the wake wave associated with it.

The boat will have a direction.
But also a context.
A boat can travel through a canal, and lock.
But the boat and the wake wave must be discerned.

If there are two sluice doors: the wake will go through both doors.
The boat itself will only travel through one.
You can only see this if you do not confuse matter and mass.
The particle will create a wave; both can be detected/measured.

The detectors absorb the waves; read the details in the ebooks.
You can see it as a plane going through a barrier of sound.
The particles and the wave are not the same; yet they can be seen together.
The square of the velocity is represented as patterns of triangles in tetryonics.

That is where the probabilities come from: how triangles stack up.
Although matter spreads out at the speed of light, and reflect/refract, the triangles of mass-energy can form solid forms, with structural stability, but their linear momentum of the magnetic fields is defined by the four poles.
All of this propagates at the speed of light; running around in a circle in the tetrahedron; energy never stops.

Leibnitz: e=mvv
Einstein corrupted that to e=mcc
Newton focused on the momentum
Leibnitz focused on the full scalar

Tetryonics 81.07 - The Platonic Solids.jpg

4) The Tetryon Model

In the Tetryonic model the fundamental pattern is the foundation.
To work with it, requires a different way of thinking.
The geometry, and topology, is unique and elementary.
I used it to make a model of protons and neutrons.

I started by creating fundamental models for the fundamental particles, I then stuck them together.
As electrical engineer, i discovered that Deuterium is an electrical converter.
The electron is a flywheel in the Deuterium atom; rotating synchronous converters.
As an electrical device it can store energy, in the proton-and-neutron.

That means that Deuterium atoms can store spin, at different energy levels.
The atoms will spin at a fixed speed, but at rates with different levels.
Imagine the stacking of batteries, with different voltages, linked up.
The electron can then only emit specific energy levels, based on electron spin.

The Rydberg formula in physics works well, but is not understood.
I explored it by making models of the atoms; by sticking deuterium atoms together.
They must link up by their positive and negative charges: the 'residual strong force'.
That is known as the arrangements that result from properties of Quarks.

I built 60 deuterium nuclei; and stuck them together.
This involves all the facets, assigned by Schroedinger numbers.
They tie in with 4 number specifying where the electrons are, in which orbit, which ring, and which spin orientation.
I needed to account for all the Schroedinger numbers in the periodic table.

I started with the atomic number; the 6 number of the number of electrons and protons; and the extra neutrons.
The larger the atom, the larger these numbers.
The model showed that the unstable atomic elements cannot be built.
Beyond element 60, the proton-neutron bonding via the residual strong force, is saturated. There are no neutrons to create larger elements.

That posed a problem: was my model wrong, or the current model?
We already know the classical model; thus i explored why my model offered.
It became clear that the energy levels per shell are important.
Instead of using protons with excess neutrons, i used the Z-number of Deuterium nuclei.

This was the same as the standard model; without excess neutrons.
In making the model i could get it all to fit.
Which left me to account for the extra mass.
Not from extra neutrons, but from the mass-energy content.

For the KLMN levels, there are associated energy levels.
Each atomic shell/level, increases the mass energy within it.
For each Plank energy level; i calculated the values.
And ended up with the energy of the isotopes as they were known.

I stopped using the Mendelyev table; because it is incomplete.
I doubled it using deuterium nuclei.
That puts what we can do well beyond the chemistry books available.
Beyond energy level 4, the higher levels are more compact; 'like a spinning top'.

Every element has a Z-number of deuterium nuclei.
They sit in a top shape; approximately spheroid (which we cannot see).
It contains the electrons according to the Schroedinger equations.
With all the spectral lines as recorded.

There is a maximum of 120 elements.
Starting with 1, Deuterium; hydrogen is not an atomic element but a free radical.
I created 120 colour coded atomic elements; with their electromagnetic fields.
Leading to a completely new periodic table; 2 sheets per element.

This can be shown as 3D CAD models; which you can download.
Once this 'chemistry' was explained, much more fell in place.
It allowed me to look into electricity in a different manner.
It is all based on pursuing a very simple premiss.

The books describe aspects of using this geometry.
It is a cleaning up of incomplete understanding.
It rewrites all science textbooks on the planet.
It explains many principles, and how they all interlink.

I discover that there are many foundational errors; by faulty math.
Tetryonics gives a simple logic, with error-correction.
It adds grammar (geometry) to the language of mathematics (algebra).
It shows the mechanics of understanding science.

The geometry explains the energy, mass and matter.
It provides a better theory; it explains more, in a more simple manner, and eliminates uncertainties and errors.
But .. it requires a different way of thinking.

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[Tetryonics  {Created by Kelvin Abraham}] [Interviews] ["Experiencing a Paradigm Shift"] [Tetryonics in Education] ['Exploring the Unknown, Doing the Undone'] [Tetryonic Templates] ['Bottom-Up Modelling the Universe'] ['Playing with/at Universal Creation'] ['Linking Paper with Principles'] [The Tetryonics Atom] [Radio-Active Active-Radio] [Tetryonic Gravitation / 'Graviton'] [The Tetryon Universe] [The Tetryon Photon] [Tetryonic Biology] [Tetryonics Atomics: Static/Radiative Fields] [Tetryonic Electromagnetic Universe] [Hypothesising: Electric Field Healing] [Tetryonic Gravity 1 (Displaced Vacuum)] [Tetryonic Gravity 2 ((Anti)Matter)] [Triangles (forces) forming Tetrahedra (forms)] [Radio Circuits and/as Tetryonics] [Zero Point Energy Theory] [Zero Point Energy Technology] [P vs NP Problem Solution] [Navier Stokes Problem Solution] [mass AND Matter] [Cosmic Constants 1] [Cosmic Constants 2] [mass ON Matter] [mass VERSUS Matter] [Photons 1] [Photons 2] [Photons 3a Spectral Lines] [Photons 3b Spectral Lines] [Photons 4 Techology] [Water] [Atom Core - Deuteron] [Atom Composites - Overview] [Atom Aufbau] [Future Topics] [Info] [Course in Tetryonics] [Resources]