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Photons 3b Spectral Lines Earth-Puzzel logo

   d.d. 2014.05.20

  The Audio recordings:

Photons 3b - Spectral Lines

In the previous recording all van together in image 96.01
It summarises quantum Differentials; differences between energy levels.
In Tetryonics that is described by differences between squares
Physics knows it as the Rydberg formula; which in Tetryonics has a geometric explanation.

A quick refresher: 28.18 shows the relationship between squares and roots.
It shows the linear energy moment of the electromagnetic energies.
This can also be described by deBroglie relationships.
In Tetryonics Planck’s Constant (mass Omega) becomes the integrating factor.

Momentum can be expanded, appearing as a constant in all equations; mass.
Remove mass from the equations and omega/c (wavelength) becomes the measure.
c**2, the spatial region of the KEM field, and c**4 in a spherical domain.
The energies as force, on an electron, can be described in terms of c**2 ('per second').

In the equilateral geometry, change is determined by the amount of quanta in the field.
More quanta shortens the wavelength, because they compress in the same region.
The core concept of quantised angular momentum is the integrating factor.
All familiar equations and descriptions can be seen to follow from that.

Any photonic change is a change of mass energy (quanta) in the KEM field.
The total/scalar energy changes from one square level to another.
That is where energy determines velocity, as Newton described.
The spectral lines (Lyman and Ballman) help understand that.

The Lyman series, 30.01, shows the atomic nuclei on the left.
The electron KEM field catches/stores/releases the energy in the Deuterium.
If there are free spots, it will attract an electron to bind into it - with its quanta.
The linear motion of the electron is therein transformed into (up/down) spin.

The centre of the diagram shows a scale; with the Planck quanta for transition in the middle.
The first leap is from 12 to 46 (from N1 to N2); the Lyman spectral series.
The blue number in the centre shows the energy release between transitions
The 'atom orbits' are transitions between these energy levels.

The numbers of the left are delta-hv; the boson differentials.
The math books show it as the differences between squares.
The central numbers are the sums of the Planck quanta, added or released; A quantum jump.
The scalar number is shown on the right.

The KEM field is seen on the right
N1 is in red at the apex of the triangle.
The Boson numbers line up with the Lyman spectral lines.
The blue line counts the differentials in Photons (boson pairs).

The geometry of the KEM field unifies Planck, Rydberg, Newton, Leibnitz, ...
The kinetic energy is half of the scalar energy; the other half is the magnetic component.
Tetryonics integrates what was divided before.
Remember that 2hv = hf.

The transition between energy levels is called the k-shell in chemistry.
All transitions start with electrons having a single quantum.
The electron has -12 quanta charges mass topology; that never changes.
It is the KEM field energy level that changes (and can be Lorentz contracted).

The Matter is not distorted; it is as at rest.
Rydberg's constant can be converted into all of its alternative representations.
The constants come from the geometry (not the mass or energy content)
The calculations can be applied to give the well-known values.

The Rydberg constant is shown as the blue level; to the N1 energy level (always).
The wavelength, wave number, frequency, and energy of transition of the photons electron can be calculated.
30.02 shows the same, but now for the transition between the energy levels.
The pink arrows of absorption and release are between N1 and the energy level.

Energy jumps can be from any level to N1, or v.v.
(For the Ballmer series it would be a jump to N2).
The transition numbers are typical (only 2 numbers of quanta are repeated).
The 7 KEM field transitions are the quantum differentials.

The changing quanta per EM field.
For Lyman, transitions are to N1 (red).
A N1 KEM field would be red; the Lyman field
36/48 is the fraction for level 1

That is the mechanics of the geometry.
It is a 3/4 release; thus a 12.pi reduction.
These patterns are characteristic and repeating.

Rydberg’s formula writes it in a different manner.
He described it as wave numbers.
The last is a jump from N8 to N1:
768 quanta must be released.

We can model the field in Tetryonics.
We can see the energy components.
And we can do geometric energy operations.
We know how we therein use weak forces, as was described before.

The time and charge of the bosons can be accounted for.
W-bosons that are released can interact and form bosons.
Feynman diagrams approximate this; Tetryonics makes it clearer.
Especially at the N8 (gamma release) levels.

Gamma bursts are N8 to N1 discharges; seen only in the Lyman series.
30.03 rearranges that information.
The quantum differentials in orange.
The original states in blue.

We can correlate Bosons to Electrons, and other particles.
The mass component of a differential fraction, in a transition, can be labelled accordingly.
It is always about the ratio of the energy that is released.
The mass velocity and the geometry are equally valid approaches for description.

The wavelength and wave number can be used for describing the changes.
The result is a change in velocity.
Accelerating electrons => spectral lines.
Electrons in steady motion will NOT emit spectral lines.

KEM fields of moving electrons will change the velocity.
The energy accepting/releasing quanta changes the motion.
With 13.525 eV as maximal storable energy in the system.

That is when internal rotation leads to external translation; when the ionisation energy is higher than that.
It is the SQRT of 756
30.04 presents this for mathematicians
The Table integrates all the mathematical formulations; integrated by Tetryonics.

It is always the basic relationship of motion
That is then related to mass, and energy
Reduced to the underlying geometry
Always based on the spectral transitions.

The Rydberg formula is shown on the right.
The Tetryonics changes are shown on the left.
The numbers are always the same.
Tetryonics shows how it can be understood.

The pages can help mathematicians look at what they know in terms of Tetryonics.
For some mathematicians that seems to be too much to handle...
The idea that all can be so simple, is not what all wish to comprehend.
Yet it is the geometry of the KEM field that gives all the findings of mathematics.

Tetryonics does more than what the Rydberg formula described, or deBroglie formulated.
Once this is familiar, you can 'do it in your head'.
Children in school can already understand and use this.
And know what all spectral series imply.

31.01 is the Ballmer series.
The change is that it refers to the N2, ground level of the L-shell.
All energy changes start at 48- not 12; and fall back to that level.
That changes the ratio of the leaps up, and down.

Again all classical/relativistic approaches are unified.
Again, Omega is the unifying (changing) factor.
Only 3.38 EV is required for ionisation from N2
Energy in excess of that release the electron.

The differentials change accordingly.
From 192 to 12 changes to 192 to 48.
The KEM field is still composed of quanta.
31.01, 31.02, 31.03 and 31.04 are equivalent to the pages of the Lyman series.

With this pages in hand you can understand the chemistry.
And prevent errors of interpretation, which stem from current chemistry.
The other spectral series repeat the concept; wit respect to the N3 to N7 levels respectively
Again, that is what was described as the atomic shells, in 'orbital model chemistry'.

Tetryonics 40.10 - Maxwell's Vortexes.jpg
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The Bohr model related it to being father away from the nucleus.
In Tetryonics it is based on the dynamic of bound electrons in the deuterium.
The escape is not based on orbits, but on energy already stored in the electron.
Again: see the difference between the energy, and the motion of (inert) Matter.

Atoms are NOT little planetary systems.
The atoms are compact; the electrons embedded.
By having the topology, the understanding becomes clear.
Tetryonics is powerful by being able to model what we discuss.

With the geometry the math is clear.
That is why Maxwell sought a physical model for his theory.
He looked for a Vortex model; a tetrahedron is equivalent to
Both link 4 dimensions.

36.01 is the Missing Spectral Line.
It is a single line; from N8 to N7
There are 8 elements under N8; at N7 level.
With a release of 180 Planck Quanta.

It is unnamed because it was unknown.
The geometry shows it very clearly.
37.01 recapitulates the KEN field.
It is where the energy is stored.

It shows the magnetic dipole.
The KEM fields 'move Matter'.
Energy increase/decrease changes the velocity (v, c).
That affects the Lorentz Contraction (energy field intensification)

1 Planck quanta has velocity 1.
The relationship is geometric.
The Lorentz corrected value of electrons stems from energy transitions.
Boson levels determine the energy transition (involving Bosons and photons).

The Lorentz Contraction is the amount of quanta per second.
The maximum is v**2; changing per c**2; and this is scalar.
All known physics has now been covered in this overview on Spectral lines.
40.10 puts this in perspective to the Maxwell formulations.

Maxwell described the transverse wave (not the longitudinal).
He regarded them as linked vortices (rotations)
A vortex is dimensionally equivalent to a tetrahedron.
The model helps to test is the theory is correct.

Maxwell could not model it; Tetryonics does.
They are quantum inductive loops with circulating energies.
The increase of the number of quanta can be explicitly shown.
Note that the electron does NOT change; the KEM field DOES.

The field will always have a charge imbalance.
This is seen as the 'idle wheels' which all have their function.
The red wheels will preserve their rotations.
The idle wheels model how the circulation is kept in balance.

In 37.02 we can now integrate the Rydberg/Bohr information.
We see how the energy is stored,
We can see what quantum differentials are in play.
All of it can be correlated to all of the spectral series.

We now have a diagram, "the modified Bohr Radius'.
It shows what is actually taking place, as energy level changes.
Every single line has its own unique frequency.
Because the energy levels involved differ.

Tot right we see the photon electron.
ON the left the Photons are illustrated.
The Planck quantum equilateral triangle unifies them.
It is the 'cheat sheet of the energy (adaptation) changes'.

Everything we know as colour, comes from this diagram.
37.03 shows that the Matter component is always identical, inert.
We now know the names and spectra that are involved.
Adding energy to leptons, results in transition or electron liberation.

We can write the formulae.
The KEM field is Mv**2; the mass of the Matter.
The velocity is the linear momentum: the pink line.
The equilateral field is the Planck charge distribution.

On the right hand side the standardised formula are found.
We measure the changing linear momentum.
mv**2 KEN field energy; of the attached Baryons.
The Baryons make the electrons spin.

Electron spin changes are by boson/photon absorption/release.
37.04 is the photo-electric effect.
Shown is a silicon surface, and a beam of light (2hv=hf).
The photons are shown; hidden levels are implied.

Jumps between levels van now be understood.
The purple wavebands are easiest to release.
Small amounts of energy will easily release Passion spectral discharge.
But a Ballmer transition would release more energy; from solar panels.

It is the difference between 4 to 64 quanta; an N2 to N8 transition.
Tune the light properly and you get 8x the amount of electricity to flow out.
With spark gaps tungsten/silicon was used, because it easily liberates electrons.
It was discovered that UV light helped release electrons from the materials.

Shine the right frequency to flush out the photons from the Materials.
The wrong frequency/colour does not have that effect; regardless of the intensity.
The spectrum serves like a key; with the specific tunes number of bosons.
Always, the bosons must be able to complete the (squared) quantum field.

Einstein got the Nobel Prize for his description; Tetryonics shows what happens.
96.11, atomic spectral series transitions, links Bohr radius, energy quantum levels, energy momentum and geometry.
The Rydberg numbers, and photon-electron energy absorption/emission and white light are shown.
Remember that photons are their own anti particles.

Instead of showing the quanta, white light is shown as the physical geometry.
It is the n1-n8 transition system, drawn as omega, colour coded and super-positioned.
It is the diamond shape with all the colours; representing white light.
The photon distribution thereof is also shown.

delta hv = delta Mv = delta p
It is the change of the number of Planck quanta
It is the geometric representation for the photo-electric effect, spectral lines, Matter-energy

The light frequency spectrum is how EM fields interact with Matter.
On the one hand there is White Light; on the other hand specific spectral lines.
The sun provides white light; cells store (mainly) green light.
This is stored in the Deuterium in the cells.

Monochromatic light can break electrons out of the deuterium 'machine'.
Atoms in the body are at different energy levels.
Carbon-12 is at N1, carbon-14 is at N3.
The Deuterium nucleus had white light added, with transition from N1 to N3.

White light has all frequencies; any specific frequency is provided.
Heat added to the body is used to store energy; atomically.
Energy levels are increased, and slowly discharged, over time.
It shows how the body stores energy: Carbon-12 to Carbon-14.

The electrons spin 3x faster.
After death the energy is radiated out.
That is done at a set rate; 2480 years half time; used in C14 dating.
After death the electrons spin down to N1; this C14 becomes C12.

It is the photo-electric effect as used in our body.
The quanta, frequencies, energy levels are all related.
It is all about the energy storage/use in the system.
All is computed at the boson level.

Red light will NOT excite the electron.
It needs the next colour to be excited.
Change the frequency and it can scale up the energy level.
UV will be able to fill up the energy level to breaking free = as current.

Solar panels use this, but can be improved.
Photons are 90-degrees out of phase side-to-side, and 180-degrees end-to-end.
Euler’s formula describes that; for white light and solar panels.
Solar panels can be built to make use of that phase organisation.

What we looked at is how lights (bosons) interacts with matter.
It is the link between EM fields and Matter.
Increase in energy fields around, and spectral lines from within matter.
That is what makes life and the universe so colourful; literally.

Reflection and refraction play a role.
EM fields interacting with Matte; is at the core of the universe.
The particles and spectra help to see the connections.
The changes in the connections are what give life colour.

The geometry explains the photo-electric effect and colour.

NEXT: Photons 4 Technology


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