CETS: Consciousness-Energy_Time-Space
The uniVersal relationship between information and matter. The principle is very simple: The universe is a 'hologram' composed of 4D pixels "Gabor Points". We experience how they function in our living being.
1) Consciousness
A Gabor Pixel can be imagined as shown by Lawrence Edwards, Dan Winter, Viktor Schauberger and Bill Tiller
- It is simultaneously a 'point', 'egg', 'vortex' and 'torus'.
- Being trans-dimensional, it is all, at the same time, plus all of its harmonics.
- Being vortical, it is fully scaleable.
- It means that each point is at the same tome a zero-transition, and also the universe as a whole.
Link to joint paper with Dan Winter to follow. Wanna Play Dan?
2) Energy
A Möbius pixel can be imagined as the Tibetan Dorje
- It is simultaneously a point, and two points.
- Being multidimensional it focus lies on the interface between its phase states.
- It is polarised with respect to this locus, the interface, as:
+/- (electric), N/S (magnetic), Yang/Yinn (Qi) and Open/Closed (coherence)
- It is best seen in the principle, and process, of cell division.
Link to joint paper with Zachary Jones to follow. Shall we, Zaq?
3) Time
A Delta pixel can be imagined as a 'triangular circle'.
- It is simultaneously a point, and three points based on the two point linking.
- In being connected, the three nodes form a loop/circuit, and thereby a cycle.
- Based on the properties of the Gabor Point, this includes all of its harmonics.
- The Delta-Pixel defines the Time domain/dynamic.
Link to joint paper with Suzie Vrobel to follow; Susie, when you have time...
4) Space
A Space pixel can be imagined as a (self-reflecting) tetrahedron.
- It is at the same time the mapping of a Gabor point, and its inverse.
- By being connected it forms a ‘grail’, or container for change (within).
- A space Point thereby is an active node of manifestation-in-creation. and v.v.
- This defines at the same time the structure and plasticity of Space.
Link to joint paper with Matti Pitkänen to follow, OK Mat?
Ad 1) Consciousness
This image will be replaced by the Winter/Edwards/Tiller/O#o representation for a Gabor Point
Vortex - Egg - harmonic Toroid - Stellate
Ad 2) Energy
The Four Forces of Physics are ONE - and the same. The two Gabor Points (Winter/Edwards representaion) can be linked in 4 different manners (superposition, nesting, embedding, concatenation) and thereby appear as-if different; the differences reflect differences in our involvement. Reflection has very direct meaning: energy exists on an interface only, which specifies how, where, when and why Gabor Point inversion resonance can lead to “Energy Forms”.

This image will be replaced by the 2-bond version of the Winter/Edwards/Tiller/O#o representation for a Gabor Point
Vortex - Egg - harmonic Toroid - Stellate
Ad 3) Time
The Trigon or Trigram is also known as Trinity, as the immergent domain of space. Often it is called god; it is not. Time is a specific interface characteristic; a travelling wave along a loop, i.e. a surface wave on an interface. This - in inverse space - can be depicted as a Fractal - a Harmonic Cascade; of different interrelated orders. This is - so to say - the ‘discrete’ (Stroboscopic) representation of the Vortex; in which i.a. cell division of our body is based.
This image will be replaced by the 2-bond version of the Winter/Edwards/Tiller/O#o representation for a Gabor Point
Vortex - Egg - harmonic Toroid - Stellate
Ad 4) Space
The Four Elements of Alchemy (Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma) represent the manifestation in space of the four forms of connecting Gabor Points. Once space is created (by hyperincursion of Ad 1), to Ad 2, to Ad 3)) it serves as an inversion point. It represents the inverse of the Gabor Point, and functions and a mirror for both the point and the process of creation/manifestation. This is the basis for the phrase ‘made in god’s image; it is indeed a re-flection. This is based on the tetrahedron to function as a space for containment (a Grail); the open space within it is itself again a seed node for a Gabor point of/for creation.
This image will be replaced by the 2-bond version of the Winter/Edwards/Tiller/O#o representation for a Gabor Point
Vortex - Egg - harmonic Toroid - Stellate