The mini-conference
an in depth meeting of minds
A scientific dojo (workspace)
reasons, organic growth
meeting ideas
personal reflections
inaugural paper for the Sophist Society
virtual inaugural lecture
symbol , heraldry
register it as trademark
patent the conference concept
joint papers process
publish in our own way
web publishing
10 pages for three year olds
fe-male rule; with waltraut
ongoing discussion in the methodology paper on mini-conference
mini conference/cd text
5 aspects of consciousness
- use the available papers
joint aspects of consciousness
- matti - self, quantum jump
- michaelS - interaction between categories
- bug management program, catch excetions; secluded domain in the website
- michaelH -
full spectrum of social involvement, relate to traditinal formulations - i ching etc, togethr with Waltraud. human involvement
- matti - numeric quantities, interoreted as space, infinite primes, modelling piadic factors, mathematica , unitary operators
- goro - universal possibilities, formal symbolic representation, reformuating the discrete topology in cntinum illustrations, long term program
- otto - conferencing paper; how to evolve integration of ideas, implementation, apllication; in nature, in town.
- goro - categories, compare the views, quantum jump/existence as category, extend own formulaton, unique category?
- heather - arrows as basis
- schreiber - distinctions, spencer brown, practicai, piadic fractals, cognitive representations, Mathematica programs
- otto - organic views
HEATHER - not knowing the presentations of others-
all others are subsumed in this approach
- otto - languaging syntax, pragmatics: pragmatics
- goro - instantation of this word, explicating details.
- matti - exporing the quantum jumpm identifyig consciousness
interating all these models for the world to see
- methodology will clash with all models; justification is neded link to natural langu ge,
heyting algebra
- Michael Schreiber; ?
integral conscousness
sophists meeting
Next year week 21 june
smorenburg conected 1n motion
gerard center of connectedness
guusje presentation centre