What is Life? Soience of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

What is Life?

O#o van Nieuwenhuijze, MSc, MD (c)
Independent Research Scientist

13 October 2004 08:38:00

Life is the implementation of freedom of choice in dimensional transitions in matter.

    It is based on the possibility of the freedom of micro perturbation and changes of valence as found in atoms.
    The principle of changes in atomic orbits, and quantum changes, are the operating mechanism used in that is used in Life.
    This includes the changes between atoms, known as transmutations; in which not orbital valences but nuclear valances are exchanged.
    This has been found in animals and plants (Louis Kervran, #####)

Life is related to Love: the application of freedom of choice as found in living organisms makes use of the same ‘mechanism’ (singularity transitions) as found in love.
Love is the realisation that all the system singularities are linked.
They are the sites of dimensional transitions that link a system in/to its context.
Love is the understanding that the universal context is thereby also linked to each ‘separate’ system. (From a dimensional perspective, separate systems do not exist.)

Love is related to Consciousness: the ability for a separate system to change its phase or state is related, always, to its context.
The changes with/in a system are thereby conditional, always.
Consciousness is the ability to relate the changes in the dimensional transition (thus the freedom of choice; as found in e.g. Life) with/in this larger context.

Healing is the application of this understanding.
Health re-relates the part into the whole as part of the whole. It thereby rebalances the singularities of the system whereby the seeming separation is restored to its conditional phase state, within its context.
This is an application of Love: it makes use of the understanding that Life is based on the universe around it, always.
This thus is an implementation of the understanding of Life: that the singularity that connects the system to its context is a dimensional transition, which can be re-related into that context, by the application of freedom of choice.

Life, Love, Health and Consciousness are all based on the nature of the universe: in the organisation of Dimensional Transitions.
This spells an underlying logic, which is the same logic by which matter is formed. Yet this logic is not limited to the nature of matter: it is the logic of the organisation dynamics of Phase Space: thus in essence immaterial. It is based on information, not matter.
Materialisation is one of the applications and expressions of this principle; there are other forms of dimensional organisation (information) that exist without a manifestation in matter.
The logic of Dimensional Transitions thereby applies to all levels of manifestation: solid forms of physics, dynamic process chemistry, principles of electromagnetic transformations, and the essence of information organisation.

Life, Love, Health and Consciousness are al logically related. They are the complement - in Open Systems - of the Four Fundamental Forces of Physics.
Like these Four Fundamental Forces of Physics (which are defined for a Closed Systems perspective) they are all related to the same essence, described by four different perspectives.
In the Four Forces of Physics, these perspectives relate respectively to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Order System definition.
In the Four Fundamentals of Creation, they are likewise related to these System Orders (but in this case for the Open System perspective).

Open and Closed Systems are directly related: all Closed Systems form part of an Open System. The link between them is by a Singularity Transition: a virtual Pivot Point that is part of the context, and by which the Closed System is part of its context (the Open System). This System Singularity is therefore defined both in terms of the Closed System and in terms of the Open System. Through the System Singularity, the Open System can be inferred, and thereby described (by inference). This transcends the limitations of description, by understanding the nature of limitations (system boundaries) and descriptions (system organisation) themselves.

This is the basis of MetaThematics: the realisation that any Theory is merely a mental construct. Any observation we make, of our context or ourselves, is done by a mental process, by which perceptions of the world around us are reflected in a mental pattern. Theories are labels for such mental patterns. Theories are mind sets that can be evoked and used to perceive the world around us for eliciting its implicate order. A Theory aims to look for the implicate order, but does so by imposing an order of mind: it is our realisation that determines how we realise reality, and thereby the reality that we perceive. Reality as such does not exist: it is only a realisation. MetaThematics makes this explicit: it is the understanding of the origin, nature, dynamics and limitations to such mind sets; thus of all theories that we (can) make.

Meta-Mathematics is the understanding that all mathematical models are based on our use of mind; they are thereby defined, individually and with respect to each other. The origin of mathematics lies not in mathematical principles, but in the functioning of our mind.
The psycho-logical basis determines the origin, nature, development and application of mathematics; just like any other language.
Meta-Mathematics is thereby the understanding of the principle by which we organise our mind, as reflected in the (mathematical) models that we make.
The common denominator in both is Logic: the dynamic and static patterns of relationships; which operate by the same principles as the relationship between a Closed and Open System.

Classical Science has directed it attention to the description of Closed Systems. This is related to the use of mind, in an attention bias to sensory perception, which reflects a bias on observation.
In our body there are four fundamental mental processes: thinking, feeling, doing, being; each of these has its own processor (‘brain’). All reflect different forms of involvement, of respectively the Outsider (Observer), Casual Involvement, Participant and Creator.
These reflect the respective transition from the Closed to the Open System realisation. These changes in mode of involvement reflect in changes in realisation.
For this reason objective science is by definition incomplete; and subjective realisation only incompletely defined (in terms of collective communication code consensus).

Contemporary Science has transcended this limitation by understanding the nature of matter; it went from the physics of materials to the chemistry of molecules to the electromagnetism of atoms into the information of sub-atomic Fields. It thereby also went from the closed to the open system, from a definition based on System States to the undefined nature of Phase Systems. Phase Space is the basis of reality by this model: Contemporary Science applies not only to the reality that is described by science, but also to the realisation by which that description is made. In Contemporary Science, the realisation of the observer and the observation of reality are linked. This calls for the understanding of the direct role and involvement of the Observer at the level of Choices in the assumption of Mind Sets, on which the realisation of reality is based. This needs to be done beyond reference to physical matter, but (as in subatomic fields) on the organisation of information itself. I.e. on MetaThematics.

Phase Space is the most fundamental level of reality that can be described. In itself it is beyond description, because it is more fundamental that our use of language and mind. Phase Space operates at a level more fundamental that the node of crossing (intersection/phase-alignment) of the electric and magnetic wave at their zero-transition. (It is the manipulation of the balance in this pivot that determines the principles of life.)

This understanding requires meta-mathematics, and MetaThematics. Logic is the most basic form of meta-mathematics. MetaThematics is the realisation that whatever is expressed in this manner is limited top our understanding of words only, the universe operates at levels more fundamental than that.

Phase Space is the basis of our realisation of reality. The principles of freedom of choice in polarity, continuity and coherence are based on the dynamic logic of phase transitions; phase inversion is the basis of the emergence of a Boundary, phase continuity is the basis of indistinguishability (Parker Rhodes, ####).
The relationships between these changes of phase are defined by Logic: the formalisation (in terms of language) of the relationships and transitions in a boundary; and how a boundary and its emergence and dissolution are defined solely on changes of phase. As in a Boundary, every mode of Separation is also a Form of Connection.
This makes the logic of Phase Organisation the most basic logic that we can address: it describes the nature of boundaries, the principles of organisation or languaging (Maturana & Varela, ####) such as in mathematics, it expresses our mind sets in performing operations of realisation, and it defines the relationship between the Closed and Open System.
At this level of description there is no difference between religion and science: both relate to the relationship between the part and the whole. The 4D D Logic (Dynamic Phase Change Logic) defines the relationship between both by explicating the role of (freedom of choice in) our own involvement.

The Logic of Phase Change is based on phase changes; these are based on Dimensional Transitions.
Dimensional Compression and Dimensional Decompression are implied in the dynamic logic of phase transition, in the multiplicity that is inherent in the coincidence of a part into a whole in the singularity transition.
In the singularity, the part is connected to the whole; but the whole is also connected to the part: and with it, each singularity that is part of the whole. The Open System integrates all closed Systems, while the Singularities play a pivotal role (literally) in setting the Closed Systems apart from, as part of, the whole (open system).
In the Singularity of a System (which forms part of the Singularity Set of a complex System (which is part of the Singularity Systems of the Integral System)) these aspects are integrated: the system singularity is thereby a dimensional pivot, which operates dimensional changes.

This is the basis of the freedom of choice
that is applied in Life, Love, Consciousness and Health.

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