SonoLuminescence Soience of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

Sonoluminescence; the wave oscillation hypothesis
On a study by Zachary Jones

O#o van Nieuwenhuijze

Sonoluminescence is the property of the emission of light, in materials that are rhythmically pulsed. (This can be compared to masing and lasing: the principle that is used in Masers and Lasers.)

The Principle

Sonoluminescence is induced by placing water in a ‘chamber’, which is connected to loudspeakers that induce their vibrations directly into the vessel, and water within it.
Once the system is brought to resonance (i.e. operating at the eigen-frequencies of the system), a bubble of air is introduced into the middle of the vessel; and the system retuned to regain eigen-resonance of the system.
(The methodology is related to that of the {Ed Heft} Rife technology, where a sound beam is superposed on a radio signal which is superposed on a light beam: the frequencies are linked and thereby can create harmonic entrainment between all three levels; and operate at frequency levels beyond those imparted to the system.)

Trans-sensory perception

The following describes a hypothesis, based on the known findings in physics, that a superposition of waves will introduce both a higher and lower frequency, which are composed of the sums and difference of the frequencies that are used.
It refers to the equally well known effect of the refraction index: at the surface between materials, the shape of the wave will change (cf. a straw appearing as ‘bent’, when seen in a glass of water).
In this case, this is looked at as 1) a coupling between field waves (the vibrations in the water/air medium) and 2) surface waves (the air/water interface).
At the surface, the four wave systems (in the air, on the air, in the water, on the water) must all be coupled.
It also refers to the “Green Integral” a loop integral around a singularity (in this case: the bubble of air in the centre of the system.

    Together it evokes the images of the model of atomic oscillations: atom systems are more easily understood as a system of rotational and translational vibrations, around a point, in which the standing wave forms of the waves (with wave length that are multiples of N, as fitting in/on the geodesics (determining distances) within the system.

Trans-Dimensional realisation

The hypothesis links all these known principles in physics and mathematics as follows:

Take as given, that there is a stably vibrating system, in which water (only) is contained in a vial, pulsed by sound waves. (A masing effect).
This can be attuned (Frequency sweeping, attunement to the system eigen-frequency). By doing so, the frequency imparted to the sound can be made to match the system characteristic wavelength, of both the material object sizes, and the wave velocities that characterise the medium. (The speed of sound of the system: the water, the vial, the loudspeakers, and all other components.) This has been described as the Stradivarius Principle, and Caruso Effect (O#o).
The frequencies in the oscillating system, will stabilise into those wave length that fit the system eigen-wavelength, and inner processing speed (the speed of sound).

    This is a Lasing phenomenon, using the Eigen-Speed of the system/medium as carrier wave of the signal.
    This - by definition - makes it a trans-state signal.
    In this case the wave is linked to the wave envelope, and the wave properties become those of a soliton.
    These are principles of Superconductivity: the parts (cor)respond as parts of the integral system. (This is the basic mechanism/definition of Consciousness.)

  • Once the resonant system phase-state is attained,
  • it has become a system of coupled dynamic oscillators, in which each element vibrates harmonically;
  • and shared wavelengths and frequencies are established (by the imposed sound vibrations, imposed on the system)
  • due to which all vibrations (and wave lengths) are harmonically coupled.

As soon as a bubble of air is introduced into this system, the established frequency attunement will no longer be attuned: the wavelengths, fitting the length of the water in the sphere, now breaks on the water-air surface (interface) on any bubble of air in the system (interfacing inner-phasing; phase amplification, Interference patter).
By the geometry of the vibrations in the system, it is possible to ‘capture’ a bubble of air in the middle of the chamber (because the waves fitting the chamber will introduce a standing wave node in the middle of the chamber, which will be a place that is relatively at rest.
In other words: at locations away from the centre of the sphere, the wave vibrations will stretch and compress the air bubble (by the orbital motions of the waves), which will most often dissolve the bubble into the water: the surface tension of the air-water interface will be surpassed, ‘breaking the bubble apart.
(This phenomenon will be described, further down, as taking place also in the air drop in the sphere of the system, and contributory to an oscillatory property of the system. The ‘Pushing the swing” principle.)

With an air bubble (vibrationally) ‘caught’ in the centre of the vial, the system can be re-attuned, to math the path lengths (thus wave length) of the now formed new system which now included a water-air interface near the centre of the system; and both the material densities (and eigen-velocities, the speeds of sound) of both mediums involved: water and air.) By sweeping attunement the eigen-frequencies of the now-existing system of coupled oscillators can be determined.

(Hypothesis: these frequencies and wavelength can also be determined by calculation: the main characteristic wavelengths are those of the vessel wall, the radius length from the vessel wall to the bubble of air in the center, as measured though the water, and the size of the bubble f air. The main eigen-velocities are determined by the material densities of the material of the vessel, the water and air. (Hypothesis: This can be used later to analyse properties of water (e.g. including homeopathic information ‘doping’) and of gasses.)

In this attuned set-up, the sound from the loudspeakers is the driving force: it essentially ‘clamps’ the system, and imposes a determined (thus determinable) frequency onto/into the system. These frequencies will follow the standard principles of diffraction and refraction, at any and every interface within the system. As a result, the speeds of propagation (and corresponding wavelengths of oscillation) are different for the material of the vessel, the water and the gas (the air in the centre). These frequencies will interact: the slower eigen-frequencies in the air, the faster eigen-frequencies in the water (and the material of the vessel) will all interact and produce the sum-and-difference frequencies, by the natural principles listed above.

Once the new system set-up, with an air in the center of the chamber, is attuned, the following can be seen {Zak Jones}:

    The system set-up starts to emit light, from the air/water interface in the centre of the system. The measured light emission pulses: it increases in frequencies and intensity, while the bubble is reduced in size (due to the pressures evoked by the vibrations in the core of the system). The collapse of the bubble of air is followed by its re-emergence: the hypothesis presented here offers a line of reasoning, which might account for this taking place. The parameters and properties alluded to in the hypothesis, may be measured to ascertain is this hypothesis is correct.

The assumed line of reasoning is as follows:

As the system is brought to vibrate, the oscillations will accumulate at the interface of the transition of the medium from water to air. At that interface, the density of the water and the density of the air produce a sum-and-difference measure of the medium boundary, which determines the eigen-frequency of the surface involved. This is the standard principle that is describe as ‘density waves’ in physics. The waves seen on water-air surfaces can be understood by those descriptions.

Due to the continued oscillations by sound (cf. the ‘pumping effect’ of a maser), the waves emerging on the air-water interface will increase in amplitude (but not in frequency: this is determined by the ‘pendulum effect’: the radius length of the bubble determines the path length along the surface, which determines the suiting wave lengths on the bubble. This corresponds with the principle of wave length matching described by de Broglie: along any surface, the wavelengths will ‘self-sort’ allowing all wave of wavelength that are multiple of the available path length to continue to exist (as standing wave lengths); all other (transient) wave lengths, will mutually cancel out. Any oscillating is thereby a selective tuning device, i.e. a filter.

As the amplitude increases, at the water/air interface, the surface wave of the water/air interface will increase in amplitude, while maintaining its wave length (and set of harmonics). This means that the wave becomes more peaked. There is a maximum to the steepness of those peaks, determined by the accelerative (shear) forces in the medium (in casu water, which has only limited tensile force strengths, in the ‘pretension’ – counter-pressure presence of the pressure of the air). This is limited by the structure of the molecules of the water: i.e. the material properties of the motion of water are determined, th the critical borders, by the material properties of the medium, thus by the molecular characteristics of the substance.

This relates to the critical system limits as defined in Dimensional Analysis; it also relates to the material or surface critical behaviour, as described in the work of Thom and Seeman (Catastrophe Theory; i.e. the topological constrains in/in/of the system).

As the frequencies build up to resonance, the eigen wave length (and speed of propagation) for the air-water interface becomes established, and builds up (The “Pushing of the Swing” principle) up to the critical limits set by the topology of the water surface, the material molecular density, and even the ordering of the atoms and molecules with respect to the wave peaks in the water.
Because of the geometry of the system, all these principles interrelate: the atomic properties do come into play, as the repeated reverberations require a molecular alignment at the air water surface, as the wave forms build up to higher amplitude, and higher harmonics.

At this level a principle must be at play, which need evaluation form clearer description: the material properties will determine the ratio of emergence of higher harmonics of the eigen-frequencies at the water-air interface surface. (Which, as described above, is a selective filter for frequency – thus wavelength – matching.) The wave lengths that are longer, are more easily established; the wavelength that are higher, allow for a better containment of the energy of vibrations. It is the relationship between the material, molecular and atomic characteristics of the medium itself (this includes the underlying ‘sub-atomic’ phase field characteristics) that will determine at which moment, and to which extent, the higher harmonics emerge in the system.

As a result of the emergence of the higher harmonics, a ‘smoothing function’ takes place: the same amount of energy can be accommodated, but at lower amplitude; this means that the peaks of the wave can be smaller; and the criticality of the geometry of the wave form, the alignment of the molecules, and even the orientation of the atoms as the wave crests, will be taking place at more points along the surface. How the frequency ‘split’ (higher frequency emergence) is introduced, and at which moment, needs more detailed description, accounting for all material properties, and levels of organisation (sub-atomic, atomic, molecular and material) mentioned above. Especially as the light emission of this system is related to the electron accelerations (and interference pattern harmonics of the ordered molecular system array) that is induced by this vibrational system.

As a result of the induced frequency patterns, and their harmonic, material electrons are oriented and accelerated (in the oscillating wave crests, with amplitude and frequencies (wave lengths) determined by the geometry and materials of this system).

It is found that the light pulses, and emitted in a ‘star’ blue frequency range.

  • added description on this may follow later –

A typical behaviour is observed: the air bubble decreases in size, while the light is emitted; then it ‘collapses’ and its original size is restored.

This hypothesis presents two thoughts which might argue why this takes place:

  • The increase of resonance (masing) of the system accelerates the water at the tip of the wave on the interface of the water and air. This causes a lasing effect: the wave crests become more peaked, the water molecules will need to be more ordered, and the atoms themselves will be arrayed. This takes place as increasingly higher velocities (within limits) as the amplitude grows. This causes the surface of the bubble to become ‘thicker’; and more ordered. The bubble may seem to become smaller as a result. This is ‘counteracted’ by the effect of frequency doubling, and storing of the vibrations as higher frequency harmonics.
  • Also, as the light is emitted and material is lost from the bubble of air, its radius reduces: the characteristic eigen-frequency length is thereby reduced, and the eigen-frequency of the bubble increases. In increasing the frequencies all above mentioned principles apply still (amplitude increase, peaking wave, molecular/atomic array super-organisation, and limit velocities of material coherence). This introduces a shift of the emitter frequency of light, and a measure of the reduction of curvature of the air bubble. (The mathematical formulation of this is found in the Green Integral, a loop integral around a singularity of a system, of which the radius of excision is varied.)
  • A more important cause for the loss of radius of the air bubble, would be out of a cooling effect, as found in instances of super-conduction: as the organisation of materials is increased, energy communication (including heat) is more rapid, and the bubble can shrink simply by cooling.

At the moment that the air bubble reduces to a minimal size, the material motion is immediately coupled to a molecular array dynamic, which is again immediately connected to the atomic dynamics, by which electrons are perceived to emit (as) electrons. As the frequencies increase, so do their higher and lower harmonics; a coherent fabric of interlaced frequencies is the result: the interference patter has the properties of holographic systems (coherence domains of stable phase array patterns).

In the organisation of the resonant wave system, the material waves in the medium, the surface waves and density waves that are formed, and the molecular and atomic resonance that is induced, all frequencies are interacting and at times interlocked. The vibrations of motion, sound and light are linked by radio waves, all characteristic for the material molecular atomic phase arrays that are typical for the system. This works toward the emission of electrons as photons, by the dynamic wave reorganisation describe here above. It also works toward a regrouping of the vibrational frequencies at the moment that the material mass ratio’s of the air-water interface are changed: at the moment the radius of the air bubble is reduced and approaches zero, the frequencies will increase and shift from predominantly material, to increasingly molecular (and even atomic) as a result of which the material properties (and organisational lattice) are affected. This also shifts the predominance of vibrations from material vibrational, through sound, to the range of radio waves and heat: at which point the molecular bonds of the material substances are affected. (This is the property of heat: vibrations at the molecular material level.) This changes the molecular structural organisation: the stable bonds are broken as the vibrations transform at the air-water interface from field wave to surface waves (and density waves) to material waves: and the chemical-physical nature of the materials are affected: water is converted to vapour as the bonds are released: and the air bubble (water vapour; or perhaps even hydrogen and oxygen) is formed. This effect would be most pronounced when the water in the vial would be nearest the triple point, as at the moment the transition from crystalline to fluid to vapour state would involve least energy conversion. (And make use of the maximum heat storage capacity of the water).

  • The hypothesis is thus as follows:

What is seen in Sonoluminescence is a normal wave phenomenon, as waves are generated along a density gradient surface. The principle of wave organization is the same as that seen in atoms: layers of harmonic eigen frequencies, corresponding with the radius curvature of the geometry of the air-water surface.
As the energy is radiated out, the air bubble sphere is reduced, and allowable frequencies (and harmonics) increase.
This can happen up to the level where the material, molecular and atomic properties are con-fused (as would happens, while the wave patterns imposed a regular dynamic array, by the high frequency oscillations).
During this process, waveforms build up amplitude, seemingly reducing the sphere of the air bubbler; and energy is emitted, actually changing the air bubble pressure, due to which the radius can be reduced as the temperatures, thus the pressures, are changed.


The radius of the air bubble, the temperature, emitted light, and operant material (sound frequencies) can all be monitored and measured; by which the actual relationships between induced (and responsive) frequencies can be established, and the patterns of perceived oscillations (in light emission and size of the bubble) understood.

See also:

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