2013.11.13 Science of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

History of speech & music
20.000 - 2.000 years ago

These notes were written to summarise/comment the ongoing conversation.
They are NOT meant to be read separately from the audio recording of the talk.

From grunting to speaking

40.000+ years ago voice started to be used; and the larynx developed.
Monkeys and apes do not have a larynx like humans, and the whales have.
It is assumed that speech initially on the in-breath, not the out-breath; in grunts rather than words.
Old tribes like the Innuit and African tribes speak about this history.

20.000 years ago speech started; ethno-historians assume.
At that time rhythm, beating sticks  and such, was already in use.
It is hard to identify when the first words were spoken; or what caused it.
It is assumed that it involved the use of vowels, with meaning; ‘grunts as pointers’.

The Rig Veda, in Sanskrit, describes how feelings were expressed in words.
For example the sound "Sta" seems to universally incite people to stand up.
This also ties in with the old Hindu notion of sound 'motions', mantras.
The story of Babel is said to be 15.000 years ago, presumably; variety of language.

In-breath sound resonates in the chest, but also relates to fear, withdrawal.
Out-breath sound is more associated with expression, and intimidation.
In babies the first sounds are cries, thus out-breath; thus 'space making'.
But, often less noticed, they later cry on the in-breath also.

The Innuit speak on the in- and out-breath; also in singing.
In lovemaking both vocalisations are also more often combined.
This is studied in ethno-musicology research.
Although nowadays the Innuit are the only tribe doing in-and-outbreath vocalisation.

Musical instruments existed from between 10.000 and 20.000 years ago.
That means that dancing wil also have been widely practised.
That again links to he old knowledge about mantra's.
These are sound shapes reflecting the flow shapes of the body organs and flow shape of air flow.

Word content emerged approximately 10.000 years ago.
Then words, identification and calculation (and mathematics) emerged).
There are mythologies linking this to extraterrestrial visitors/teachers.
Which also links it to more conscious use of language, and relationships.

There is detailed description in the Rig Veda about sound shapes.
There are detailed description on mantras and transcendental meditations.
Harvard scientists indicate that the Rig Veda describes Quantum Physics.
Laird Scranton described the same for the Dogon Culture, in his books.

The books of Erick von Daeniken, en Michael Telligen, the archeologist, describe the ET contacts.
We all can see that singing over water induces vibrations; that shape is called the Yantra.
It is the sound shape, of the vibration; a depiction of it is called the Yantra.
Some shapes have direct effect on our bodily being; as described by Hans Jenny, "Cymatics".

Singers working with overtones have done many studies on this.
Dutch Architect Alberts used sound shapes to design his buildings.
It shows that sound and shapes are directly related.
This is something that the Antique Greeks already understood.

You can notice the difference when you sing in a building.
In a healthy building 'the sound stays with you'.
That raises the vibrational/Bovis/Frequency value.
In most buildings nowadays this is not the case, and 'the energy is lost'.

Around 9.000 years ago the relationship between sound and health ans shapes and vibrations was studied.
At that time the language, Sanskrit, was still very much and expression of feeling.
In later languages that connection is more and more lost (‘the Babel effect’).
It disconnected people from their natural state; which became even more so in writing.

Mathematics is a form of written communication.
It is different from the classical traditional mathematics.
Mathematics makes what we think 'visible'.
And links to the sensation of 'the collapse of the vector of state' (connectedness) known as 'the beauty of mathematics'.

There was a development from Sanskrit/Hinduism and Egyptian/Greek understanding.
There was a direct use of magic: using the body electromagnetic field, for action at a distance.
It makes use of vibrations to activate/energise the (electromagnetic) physical body.
And used sound to direct telepathy, and influence other people.

The use of sound and the electromagnetic field thus was understood and applied.
It is in itself an instrument; hos it is applied ('good'/'bad') depends on the user.
Another visit by extraterrestrials (recorded in Sumer) added the understanding of mathematics.
That was elaborated in the use of (negro) black magic as it was developed in Egypt.

That Egyptian Magic was used to dominate other people.
The Pharaohs were regarded as gods because they used these psychic techniques.
They are the gods of the Torah; which refers to the Pharaohs of 5000 years ago.
The Egyptian temple carvings already shows helicopters and other technology.

The magic was both a technology and sociology.
It is interpreted as having been used for evil; but again: tat depends on the vieuwer...
It is a science of vibration, in coherence; what we now describe using mathematics.
Which helps understand how ‘magic’ and ‘demons’ are patterns of sound coherence.

The psalms were chants for enchantment; to regulate feeling/vibrations.
‘King David’ was a famous musician; thus understood the relationship between vibrations and mental states.
We now look at this in terms of vibrations of hormones and brain/heart/muscle electromagnetic vibrations.
In the bible the descriptions of the energy coherence changes, as mathematics, was lost.

We cannot 'see' electricity; we only see the effect.
This can only be described in relationships, as relationships.
Egyptians described this in Geometry and Algebra.
The Egyptian Pythagoras regarded space as shape; as resonant vibrations.

Pythagoras realised that vibrations and frequencies and rhythms and life are connected.
Thus he could correlate planetary motions to body organ functions.
He described the musical scales, in the way that we still use it.
And connected that to the foundations of mathematics, as we still use it.

The hieroglyphs are shapes, in space; thus more than codes.
The hieroglyphs thus are 'resonators', antennae; thus active transformers.
Wherever you see obelisks and Egyptian symbols, the Egyptian tradition lives on.
It however all pertains to the way we correlate self with context.

It is all about how we connect to our environment, yes/no.
it is all about the use of charge discharge in/around materials.
It is correlated to frequencies, colours, frequencies and rhythms.
And the ability to transform/correlate these vibrations.

The old Egyptian knowledge connected mind with matter.
It is also based on the relationship between shape and function.
The pythagorean insight was later formulated by Plato.
The Platonic Solids are acruali pattern of wave/phase coherence

Platonic solids are shapes of wave phase coherence.
They are like 'cooking pots' with different purposes.
That is directly related to music; sound coherence.
Just as the musical instruments are resonators for vibrations.

The musical instruments 'cook up' vibrations, and coherence.
This can be used to clean out the chackra's; using specific instruments.
You can clear the mind, and body, to open closed ideas.
It shows that thoughts and health are patterns of dynamic vibrations.

This we can correlate to vibrations, and the neurocrine glands.
The glands are in fact areas of production of molecules, with own harmoniic vibrations.
Each vibration is an letter in the alphabeth for relating outside and inside.
It shows that we are dealing with vibrations, as patterns of coherence.

The Egyptians were better in music than the Greeks who were better than the Romans.
In other words: the understanding of music was lost on the way of cultural development.
It probably was relate to the change from dictatorship to democracy.
I.e. local sensation, versus individual linking up in larger context.

Baroques was highly harmonic music, in a time of extreme inquisition torture.
The Baroque uses many ols egyptian harmonic patterns.
That was taken on by the Rose Kreitzers, Crusaders.
In the Renaissance this was taken up; after the pope killed all other forms of music.

The founding fathers of Baroque Music were involved in white magic.
Kings liked it because it gave them a better feeling; against social oppression.
The music reflected an inner state of mind; in opposition to the actual affairs of state.
Then with Mozart the Beethovian revolution was heralded; as expressed by Napoleon.


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