Matti Pitkänen is independent research scientist. He welcomes your donation for his work. His work you can find on his and this web site. His book you find here.
- TGD Presentations
- TGD Topological Geometrodynamics, 7 books
- Consciousness and Biology, 8 books.
For direct access to these, click the links below:
Online Books:
1) Online books representing Topological Geometrodynamics and its applications. (8000+ pages, split in parts for easier access.)
A link to Topological Geometrodynamics in Quantum Theory can be found at Mathematical Subject Classification Table of American Mathematical Society
2) Online books of TGD inspired Theory of Consciousness. (2000+ pages, split in parts for easier access.)
These materials are made available online because TGD publications are not yet accepted in so-called ‘respected’ physics journals. The Los Alamos physics archives only allow to add material to the math archives of Los Alamos.