The Universe as Conscious Hologram
Contents of The Universe as a Conscious Hologram
1. Basic ideas of TGD
- TGD as a Poincaré invariant theory of gravitation
- TGD as a generalization of the hadronic string model
- Fusion of the two approaches via a generalization of the space-time concept
2. The five threads in the development of quantum TGD
- Quantum TGD as configuration space spinor geometry
- p-Adic TGD
- TGD as a generalization of physics to a theory of consciousness
- TGD as a generalized number theory
- Dynamical quantized Planck constant and dark matter hierarchy
- The contents of the book
1. PART I: Universe as a Conscious Hologram 2. PART II: Homeopathy and Metabolism
Time, Space-time, and Consciousness
1. Introduction
- Quantum-Classical Correspondence
- Classical Physics as Exact Part of Quantum Theory
- Some Basic Ideas of TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness and Quantum Biology
2. Many-Sheeted Space-time, Magnetic Flux Quanta, Electrets and MEs
- Dynamical quantized Planck constant and dark matter hierarchy
- p-Adic length scale hypothesis
- Topological light rays (massless extremals, MEs)
- Magnetic flux quanta and electrets
3. Some applications of the many-sheeted space-time concept
- A general model for energy storage and energy utilization by remote metabolism
- Capacitor model of sensory qualia?
- Support for the notion of remote metabolism
4. Time and intentionality
- The notions of psychological time and self in zero energy ontology
- Psychological time and intentionality
- Why p-adic intentionality does not reduce to quantum randomness?
- Some paradoxes solved by the new view about time.
5. Consciousness and time
- Passive and active aspects of consciousness
- Sensory perception, motor action, and time
- Long term memories and time
- Remote mental interactions and time
6. About the nature of time: few years later
- The most recent vision about zero energy ontology and p-adicization
- Zero energy ontology, self hierarchy, and the notion of time.
Macro-Temporal Quantum Coherence and Spin Glass Degeneracy
1. Introduction
- Macro-temporal quantum coherence is suggested by quantum classical correspondence
- Macro-temporal quantum coherence from spin glass degeneracy?
- Dynamical Planck constant and dark matter hierarchy
- Implications of macrotemporal quantum coherence
2. Background
- The notions of quantum jump and self
- Many-sheeted space-time, topological field quantization, and spin glass degeneracy
3. Macro-temporal coherence from spin glass degeneracy
- What quantum coherence means in TGD Universe?
- Spin glass degeneracy and classical gravitation stabilize irreducible bound state entanglement
4. Macro-temporal quantum coherence and dynamical hbar
- Quantization of planetary orbits with a gigantic value of Planck constant and dark matter as a macroscopic quantum phase
- Criterion for the occurrence of a phase transition changing Planck constant
- Hierarchy of Planck constants and physics as a generalized number theory
- The interpretation of the phase transition hbar→ λhbar at configuration space level
- Large value of Planck constant implies macroscopic and macrotemporal quantum coherence
- Are the two explanations for the macro-temporal quantum coherence consistent?
5. Basic implications
- Thermodynamic aspects
- Energetic aspects
- Information theoretic aspects
6. Macro-temporal quantum coherence, consciousness, and biology
- Macro-temporal quantum coherence and states of 'one-ness'
- Macro-temporal quantum coherence and biology
- Macro-temporal quantum coherence and long term memory
7. Co-operation and competition as different aspects of quantum consciousness
- Breaking of super-conductivity, metabolism, and homeostasis
- Combining macro-temporal quantum coherence and dissipation
- Healing by time reversal
Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms
1. Introduction
- The notion of conscious hologram
- Time mirror mechanism
- Bio-photons
- The work of William Tiller
2. Conscious hologram
- What are the basic properties of conscious hologram?
- Stereo-consciousness and the notion of conscious hologram
- Questions
- Self-referentiality and space-time topology
3. Phase conjugation, negative energy topological light rays, and time mirror mechanism
- Do negative energy space-time sheets have counterparts in quantum field theory?
- Is the TGD view about phase conjugate waves consistent with the existent wisdom?
4. Bio-photons
- What bio-photons are?
- Some phenomena related to bio-photons
- General TGD based model for bio-photons
- TGD based model for delayed luminescence
- Kirlian effect
5. Bio-photons, radio waves and genetic regulation
- Frequency spectrum of radio waves
- Basic questions
- How to understand the spectrum?
- Many-sheeted radio wave laser excited by laser light
- Is the radio wave spectrum for wheat seed scaled-up version of EEG spectrum?
6. Conscious hologram and remote mental interactions
- Big vision
- Sketch for what happens in a typical remote viewing experiment
- Why it is so difficult to take remote mental interactions seriously?
- About the physiological correlates of anomalous cognition
- Local sidereal time, geomagnetic fluctuations, and remote mental interactions
- DelaWarr camera
7. The experimental work of William Tiller about intentional imprinting of electronic devices
- Experimental arrangement
- Basic experimental findings
- Explanation of the pH oscillations in terms of the general model of intentional action
- The effects caused by the quartz crystal
- Relating Tiller's hypothesis to TGD framework
- A model for the findings based on hierarchy of large Planck constants
8. Formation of holograms by time mirror mechanism as a key mechanism of intentional action?
- Four-wave interaction as a mechanism of intentional action?
- Plasma oscillation patterns as generalized holograms
- Nerve pulse generation and holograms
- Generalized four-wave interaction in relation to some other anomalies
9. How to test the basic vision?
- Leakage of supra currents as basic mechanism
- Time reversal for the leakage of supra currents
- Controlling metabolism by IR laser beams and DNA functioning by maser beams?
- How to choose senders and receivers?
- How to test the notion of conscious hologram?
General theory of qualia
1. Introduction
- TGD in nutshell
- TGD inspired theory of consciousness very briefly
- Biological realization of self hierarchy
- Qualia and thermodynamics
- Spectroscopy of consciousness
2. General vision about conscious information processing in bioystems and brain
- What qualia are?
- Classification of qualia in thermodynamical framework
- Critical questions and open problems
3. About identification of non-geometric qualia
- Color vision and super-canonical algebra
- Chemical qualia
- Magnetic qualia as chemical qualia
- Kinestetic qualia
- Tactile qualia
- Emotions
- Dark matter hierarchy, hierarchical structure of nervous system, and hierarchy of emotions
- Boolean qualia
4. A general model of sensory receptors and sensory organs
- Capacitor model for sensory receptor
- Capacitor model for color vision
- The structure of the retina and sensory organs as sites of sensory qualia
5. Flag-manifold qualia
- Basic structure of the configuration space
- Quantum honeybee
- Quantum honeybee and DNA as topological quantum computer
Homeopathy in many-sheeted space-time
1. Introduction
- Frequency imprinting and entrainment
- Scaling laws
- Model for the homeopathy
- Dark nuclear strings as analogs of as analogs of DNA-, RNA- and amino-acid sequences and baryonic realization of genetic code
- Some applications
2. General view about homeostasis
- Superconducting part of the ionic flow circuitry
- How water represents?
- The role of microwaves in homeostasis
- How the vision about dark matter hierarchy affects the picture?
3. Scaling laws
- Scaling law of homeopathy in its basic form
- Does v=Lf scaling law map the hierarchy of generalized EEGs to physiological excitations?
- Miracle wavelengths and corresponding VLF frequencies
4. TGD based model for homeopathy
- Basic claims about homeopathy
- Frequency signatures for the homeopathic remedies and endogenous frequencies in acupuncture
- A sketch for the mechanism behind the homeopathic healing
- TGD counterparts for the propagation and diffusion of coherence
- Frequency imprinting and de-imprinting
- A possible realization of water memory
- Could virtual DNAs allow a controlled development of the genome?
5. Potential applications
3. Field codes associated with homeopathy and a model for the magnetic body
- Plasmoids as primitive life forms associated with magnetic bodies
- Field representations of information using codes
- Priore's machine as a test bench for the model
- Fields and genes
- Magnetic mirrors, remote viewing and remote healing
4. The role of dark micro waves in living matter
- Dark microwaves and metabolism
- Poorly understood effects related to micro-waves
- X-ray images and remote realization of intentionality
- Explanation of tachyonic events using the same model
Macroscopic quantum coherence and quantum metabolism as different sides of the same coin
1. Introduction
- Dark matter hierarchy, sensory representations, motor action, and metabolism
- Quantum view about energy economy in brain
- Molecular machines in many-sheeted space-time
2. Background ideas
- Homeopathy in many-sheeted space-time and scaling laws
- The model of bio-photons
- Topological self-referentiality
- Generation of coherent quantum states and generation of usable energy as sides of the same coin
- New view about inertial and gravitational energy
- Left-brain-right brain, DNA strand-conjugate strand
- Information molecules as quantum links in quantum web
- Earlier ideas about how motor control is realized
3. General view about sensory representations, motor control, and brain metabolism
- General vision about living matter as a macroscopic quantum system
- A general view about quantum control, coordination and communication inspired by dark matter hierarchy
- Generalized-four wave mechanism as a basic mechanism of remote metabolism
- Some mechanisms liberating metabolic energy and connection with free energy phenomena
- ATP and TGD
4. A model of metabolism and brain metabolism
- About metabolism in general
- Metabolism in brain
- Astrocytes and quantum control of brain
- The effects of endogenous sound waves as a support for the scenario
5. Molecular machines in many-sheeted space-time
- TGD inspired questions and ideas relating to coherent locomotion
- Some facts about molecular and cellular motors
- Molecular motors in single-sheeted space-time
- Molecular machines in TGD framework
6. Many-sheeted model for photosynthesis
- A rough overall view about photosynthesis
- A general model for energy storage and energy utilization by remote metabolism
- The general model for photosynthesis
- Applying the general model of energy storage and utilization to ionic pumps
7. Explanation of super-luminal velocities in terms of remote metabolism
- General explanations for effective super-luminal velocities
- Experiments involving super-luminal velocities
- Experiments believed to involve anomalous interference
- The experiments involving crossed photon beams
1. Basic properties of CP2
- CP2 as a manifold
- Metric and Kähler structures of CP2
- Spinors in CP2
- Geodesic sub-manifolds of CP2
2. CP2 geometry and standard model symmetries
- Identification of the electro-weak couplings
- Discrete symmetries
3. Basic facts about induced gauge fields
- Induced gauge fields for space-times for which CP2 projection is a geodesic sphere
- Space-time surfaces with vanishing em, Z0, or Kähler fields
4. p-Adic numbers and TGD
- p-Adic number fields
- Canonical correspondence between p-adic and real numbers
- - -
Time, space-time, and consciousness
This chapter is devoted to the TGD based view about time, space-time, and consciousness. The chapter begins with an updated view about the notions of many-sheeted space-time and topological field quantization taking remote metabolism as an example about the new bio-physics made possible by negative energy MEs and many-sheeted space-time.
The understanding of the notion of psychological time and its arrow - or equivalently, the relationship between subjective and geometric time - turned out to be quite difficult challenge and led to a handful of proposals based on the identification of space-time sheet as a correlate of self and the idea that the experienced flow of geometric correspond to some kind of motion in space-time or in imbedding space. These identifications did not lead to anything practical and generated paradoxes.
The most recent proposal involves no ad hoc assumptions and relies on the recent formulation of quantum TGD using zero energy ontology. The correlate of self is now so called causal diamond (pair of future and past directed light-cones) which is 8-D sub-manifold of the imbedding space rather than space-time sheet. The flow of geometric time is apparent and due the change of quantum state in quantum jump which in the first approximation means a shift of the quantum superposition of space-time surfaces to the direction of the geometric past of the imbedding space. This proposal allows to understand the asymmetry between geometric future and past at the level of conscious experience and makes also precise quantitative predictions. Also a unification of the definition of self identifying it as a sequence of quantum jumps and of the definition based on the reduction of self hierarchy to a fractal hierarchy of quantum jumps within quantum jumps becomes possible.
The TGD based view about the relationship between time and intentionality is analyzed. The basic new result is the characterization of intentionality as a local randomness combined with long range temporal correlations realized in terms of p-adic fractal statistics involving the breakdown of the ordinary real statistics. The elegance of the model is that long range correlations reflecting intentionality reduce to p-adic continuity: very distant space-time points can be very close p-adically. This characterization allows to experimentally differentiate between intentionality and genuine randomness and determine the p-adic prime characterizing the intentional system without any model dependent assumptions. The astrophysical real size for the p-adically small space-time sheets representing intentions justifies the assumption about astrophysical sizes of the personal magnetic body and MEs meaning the most dramatic deviation between TGD based and standard view about living matter.
The TGD inspired view about time and brain is compared with the neuroscience based vision. The time delays related to passive and active aspects of consciousness discovered by Libet are shown to support the notion of magnetic body having astrophysical size. The general model for the intentional action allows to understand sensory perception, motor action, and memory as special cases of the mechanism for which the personal magnetic body is the intentional agent and motor action proceeds from long to short length and time scales.
The intention represented by a p-adic ME is transformed to a negative energy ME representing the desire about the action and entangling the magnetic body with some lower level in the hierarchy. The cascade of intentions transformed to desires eventually reaches the material body and induces the desired action as a reaction in the geometric past communicated classically to the geometric future. Brain only reacts to the desires quantum communicated from the geometric future, which explains the coherence of motor action difficult to understand if brain genuinely plans and initiates the action. Also remote mental interactions are based on the same mechanism and precognition and long term memory as well as PK and retro PK can be seen as different aspects of the same phenomenon. The model predicts four types of memories corresponding to cyclotron transitions of protons and electrons and Z0 cyclotron transitions of neutrons and neutrinos identifiable as long term sensory and motor memories (p,n) , short term sensory memories (e), and cognitive working memories (n). Some models for long term memories are discussed and only the so called time-mirror mechanism is found to be consistent with the identification of the magnetic body as experiencer. A precise realization of the time-mirror mechanism based on spin glass degeneracy is identified.
Macro-temporal quantum coherence and spin glass degeneracy
The basic objection against quantum consciousness theories is that the de-coherence times for macroscopic quantum states are quite too short.
TGD inspired theory of consciousness leads to a first principle theory of state function reduction free of the logical paradoxes, allows precise definitions for the notions of quantum coherence and de-coherence, and predicts a mechanism making the lifetimes of macroscopic bound states much longer than predicted by the standard physics.
There are three arguments supporting macro-temporal quantum coherence.
- Quantum classical correspondence allows to identify space-time sheets as quantum coherence regions and since they can have arbitrarily large sizes, macroscopic and macro-temporal quantum coherence follow as consequences.
- The basic distinction between TGD and standard physics is quantum spin glass degeneracy, which among other things implies that quantum bound states of, say, two molecules have enormous spin glass degeneracy absent in the free state. This in turn means that the system spends much longer time in bound states than in free states and this implies much longer de-coherence time than expected otherwise. The almost degenerate spin glass states differ only by their classical gravitational energy so that gravitation is indeed important.
- TGD supports the hypothesis that Planck constant is dynamical, quantized, and can have arbitrarily large values. Dark matter can be identified as a phase with large Planck constant and an entire hierarchy of dark matters is predicted. Large \hbar phases have long de-coherence lengths and times so that dark matter can be quantum coherent. Since arguments a) and b) do not involve Planck constant, all three arguments can be consistent with each other.
In the p-adic context one must modify Shannon's definition of entropy by replacing the ordinary logarithm based on p-adic norm. This definition gives rise to a real valued entropy in both real and p-adic contexts if entanglement coefficients are rational/algebraic numbers. For irrational/non-algebraic entanglement standard Shannon formula and its p-adic variant must be used and gives rise to non-negative entropy. Unlike Shannon entropy, the p-adic entropies (one for each p) can be also negative so that the entanglement entropy defines a genuine information measure whose sign tells whether the system contains information or dis-information. For the p-adic entropies Negentropy Maximization Principle tends to preserve the quantum coherence if p divides the common denominator of the entanglement probabilities. Thus the states with rational/algebraic entanglement can be regarded as bound states, which are not at all fragile like the states with irrational/non-algebraic entanglement are. This leads to a purely number-theoretic characterization of life: life corresponds to islands of rational/algebraic numbers in the seas of real and p-adic continua. The new views about quantum coherence and information have testable implications at the level of fundamental physics, quantum computation, biology, and consciousness.
Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms
The notion of conscious hologram is the TGD based generalization of the idea about brain as a hologram. In nutshell, the notion of conscious hologram follows from the topological field quantization. Classical fields and matter form a Feynmann diagram like structure consisting of lines representing matter (say charged particles) and bosons (say photons). The matter lines are replaced by space-time sheets representing matter (elementary particles, atoms, molecules,...), and virtual bosons are replaced by topological light rays ("mass-less extremals", MEs). Also magnetic flux tubes appear and together with MEs they serve as correlates for bound state quantum entanglement.
The internal lines of the Feynmann diagram are analogous to wave guides and the classical fields and coherent light propagating along these wave guides interfere at the space-time sheets representing the vertices of the Feynmann diagram and the "points" of the conscious hologram. The formation of the hologram corresponds to the self-organization induced by the leakage of supra currents to smaller (say atomic) space-time sheets. This leakage is induced by the high frequency MEs propagating along low frequency MEs serving as correlates for quantum entanglement. The 3-D stereovision associated with ordinary hologram is generalized to stereo consciousness resulting, when the mental images associated with different 'points' of conscious hologram fuse to single mental image. Central nervous system can be regarded as a conscious hologram of this kind.
The notion of four-wave interaction generalizes: the interference pattern of oppositely moving reference waves forming an archetypal standing wave (possibly moving as in case of nerve pulse) can be replaced by any synchronously oscillating periodic spatial pattern. Plasma waves for which the frequency does not depend on wave vector are ideal candidates for holograms in the generalized sense. Living matter is full of this kid of holograms: besides plasma oscillations associated with biologically important ions, also Z0 plasma oscillations associated with atoms and molecules can define holograms. p-Adic length scale hypothesis predicts a hierarchy of plasma frequencies related by powers 23k/4 so that even so called "non-living matter" could build this kind of sensory representations based on plasma oscillations.
p-Adic length scale hypothesis and dark matter hierarchy allow to quantify the notion of conscious hologram. The hierarchy of generalized EEGs associated with the dark matter hierarchy allows to propose concrete mechanism of remote mental interactions playing a key role also in the interaction of magnetic bodies with the biological body. Experimental findings related to anomalous pre-cognition support the view that even galactic magnetosphere acts as a conscious entity receiving sensory input from bio-sphere and controlling it.
Bio-photons provide an application of the general theory. Simple mathematical facts about the delayed luminescence induced by an external perturbation combined with the model for a hierarchy of dark EEGs assignable to that of Josephson junctions, lead to a model in which positive and negative energy MEs transversal to DNA strand and representing dark photons generate coherent bio-photons via de-coherence. Rather detailed quantitative models for how MEs and supra current circuits interact and how bio-photons are generated during the gene expression emerge.
Peter Gariaev and his group have discovered a radio wave emission from DNA induced by laser light. The model explaining delayed luminescence covers also this phenomenon: now the decay of dark photons with energies above thermal threshold to radio-wave photons rather than de-coherence would be the mechanism. The findings allow an explanation in terms of a many-sheeted laser action, and a rather detailed view about how bio--system acts as a many-sheeted laser at a wide wave-length range emerges.
William Tiller in Stanford University has carried out impressive experimental work with what he calls intention imprinted electronic devices (IIED), and his results challenge that standard assumption that the intentions of experimenter do not affect the experimental apparatus \cite{Tiller, Tiller1, Tiller2}. The analysis of the work of Tiller in the conceptual framework of TGD leads to the conclusion that four-wave interaction, which is a basic mechanism to produce phase conjugate waves (negative energy topological light rays), serves also as a basic mechanism of intentional action. This leads to a unified view allowing to see EEG and nerve pulse as a particular realization of four-wave interaction.
General theory of qualia
The connection between the theory of qualia and quantum measurement theory and thermodynamics turned out to be a breakthrough in the development of ideas related to qualia. In TGD framework the contents of consciousness is determined as some kind of average over the sequence of very large number of quantum jump and this suggests strongly that non-geometric qualia allow statistical description generalizing ordinary thermodynamical ensemble to the ensemble formed by the prepared states in the sequence of quantum jumps after the last 'wake-up' of self.
a) There are geometric qualia corresponding to zero modes expressing the result of quantum measurement in each quantum jump. All geometric information about space-time surface should reduce to geometric qualia. For instance, geometric data given by visual, auditory, and tactile senses should reduce to conscious information about zero modes or about increments of zero modes in quantum jump.
b) The sequence of the prepared states can be modelled as a statistical ensemble of Fock states, which suggests that thermodynamics is basically part of theory of consciousness. The ensemble of prepared states gives rise to a large number of statistical qualia. The relationship dE= TdS-PdV+ mudN+ BdM... generalizes to TGD context: note however that in case of ME selves energy is replaced with the Super Virasoro generator L0 associated with the light cone boundary of ME. Each intensive-extensive variable pair in the differential should correspond to a non-geometric quale, which results only when there is gradient (flow) of the extensive variable in the direction of the subjective time. Super-canonical thermodynamics should obviously map ordinary thermodynamics to the level of conscious experience.
c) Since subjective existence corresponds to quantum jumps, it is natural to assume that only the increments of zero modes and quantum numbers are experienced consciously. Statistical interpretation also suggests that an averaging over increments occurs. The possibility of sub-selves makes possible to have sequences of sub-selves (mental images) of finite subjective time duration and this makes possible structured subjective memories (for instance, it becomes possible to remember the digits of a phone number). A further working hypothesis analogous to functionalism is universality: kinesthetic qualia depending on the quantum number increments are universal. Thus the increments of Poincaré and color and electro-weak quantum numbers define what might be called universal kinesthetic qualia. The thermodynamical expression for dE suggests a general classification of qualia consistent with the 'holy trinity' of existences implied by TGD.
1. Emotions as order-disorder qualia
T-S pair correspond subjective existence and generalizes to disorder-order type, information theoretic qualia qualia about the state of self. The fact that emotions correlate strongly with peptides which are also informational molecules, supports the identification of the qualia associated with various entropy growth rates as emotions. The entropy of sub-self in turn characterizes the sharpness of the mental image.
2. Kinesthetic qualia defined by generalized forces
p-V pair corresponds to the geometric existence and is replaced with generalized force-generalized coordinate pairs in quantum fluctuating degrees of freedom. Quite generally, the rates for the increase for a maximum number of mutually commuting Poincare, color and electro-weak quantum numbers define what might be called kinesthetic qualia. Senses of force and torque, hearing, and intensity of color sensation can be regarded as examples of generalized kinesthetic qualia.
3. Generalized chemical qualia
mu-N pair corresponds to 'objective existence' defined by quantum histories and N is generalized to a number of particle like excitations in the Fock state resulting in the state preparation. In this case there must be a flow of particle number in the direction of the subjective time, that is Bose-Einstein condensation type process for, say Cooper pairs. Quite generally, super-canonical and quaternion conformal super algebras should define these kind of qualia and the number of these qualia is very large. The particle numbers in question can be numbers of ions of Cooper pairs in various magnetic states, numbers of colored configuration space photons in various states of super-canonical representation, numbers of join along boundaries bonds, etc.. and one can understand chemical qualia, color vision, and sensations of pain and pleasure as generalized chemical qualia.
4. Boolean qualia
The transitions associated with the fermionic generators of super-canonical algebra can be identified as Boolean consciousness with intrinsic meaning ('This is true'). Boolean cognition without intrinsic meaning and/or conscious feeling of quantity can be understood as associated with temporal sequences of Z0 magnetization directions for cognitive antineutrinos.
There are two basic mechanisms generating sensory qualia.
a) Quantum phase transition in which single particle transition occurs coherently for some macroscopic quantum phase produces qualia defined by the increments of quantum numbers in the transition. Quantum phase transition could be induced by the transition frequency: quantum phase transition leading to the generation of new kind of macroscopic quantum phase is in question. The magnetic quantum phase transitions at super-conducting magnetic flux tubes provide a basic example of this mechanism, and the quantum model of hearing relies on Z0 magnetic quantum phase transitions.
b) The flow of particles with fixed quantum numbers between "electrodes" of what might be called a quantum capacitor induces qualia defined by the quantum numbers of the particles involved. The "electrodes" carry opposite net quantum numbers. Second electrode corresponds to the sub-self defining the quale mental image. Obviously cell interior and exterior are excellent candidates for the electrodes of the quantum capacitor. Also neuron and postsynaptic neuron. In fact, living matter is full of electrets defining capacitor like structures. The capacitor model applies to various chemical qualia and also to color vision and predicts that also cells should have senses.
Homeopathy in many-sheeted space-time
The claimed mechanisms of homeopathic healing and the method of manufacturing homeopathic potencies are not the only paradoxical aspects of homeopathy. Also the reported frequency imprinting and entrainment, codes based on field patterns, and associative learning of water look mysterious in the framework of standard physics.
1. Frequency imprinting and entrainment
Frequency imprinting and entrainment at preferred frequencies are believed to be fundamental for homeopathy and acupuncture. The data suggest that water builds representations for the chemicals it contains as space-time sheets containing water in liquid crystal form. These space-time sheets reproduce relevant part for the spectrum of rotational frequencies of the molecule in rigid rotor approximation. Also the mimicry of vibrational spectrum using sound waves can be considered possible. Besides LC water blobs also magnetic mirrors consisting of magnetic flux tube plus parallel MEs pop up naturally in the original model of frequency imprinting and entrainment.
The basic objection is that if the space-time sheets are in thermal equilibrium, the scenario partially fails in the case of fundamentally important rotational and conformational spectra which are in microwave region. TGD however suggests that also inherently dark atoms identifiable as anyonic counterparts of ordinary atoms are possible and have the same energy spectrum as ordinary atoms, and that the notion of atom and molecule generalizes to what might be called N-atom/molecule having energy spectrum scaled up by a factor 1\leq N\leq λk, hbar (k)=λkhbar0. In this case various vibrational and rotational frequencies would define a hierarchy of dark energies which can be above thermal threshold. In particular, rotational and conformational microwave spectra of bio-molecules have dark counterparts with energies above the thermal threshold. Otherwise only cyclotron energies and plasma oscillation energies can be above thermal threshold at sufficiently high levels of dark matter hierarchy.
2. Scaling laws
Homeopathy seems to involve two kinds of scaling laws which seem to be closely related. What I call scaling law of homeopathy states that homeopathic frequencies appear in pairs (fh,fl) of high and low frequencies such that their ratio is given by fh/fl≈ 2× 1011. TGD approach explains this ratio predicts a generalization of the law. v=Lfl scaling law tells in TGD framework how the frequencies associated with generalized EEG code for the velocities of physiological waves and their frequencies fh= cfl/v. The general model for motor control by magnetic body predicts this scaling law.
3. Model for the homeopathy
The model of homeopathy must explain the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies manufactured by a repeated dilution and succussion. This can be understood if part of chemical involved is transformed to dark matter and is also represented by water clusters or dark super-nuclei formed from protons. This minimal representation involves thermally stable dark cyclotron frequencies. If inherently dark atoms and molecules with essentially same energy spectrum as ordinary ones are possible, also the mimicry of vibrational and rotational spectrum is possible by clusters of dark water molecules.
One must also understand why homeopathic remedies are manufactured from molecules which basically cause the symptoms to be cured. The explanation is that the presence of molecules mimicking the poisonous molecule makes it possible to sweep the poisonous molecules "under the rug" if they enter the organism. In the presence of Bose-Einstein condensates of dark photons generated by the mimicking particles, the poisonous molecules drop to dark space-time sheets where they are harmless: the mechanism is generalization of induced emission.
The model should also explain the associative learning and field codes. The presence of a hierarchy of dark matter levels leads to a model for how magnetic body performs motor control in terms of dark plasmoids and their quantal plasma oscillation patterns and receives sensory input from the biological body and experiences it as a kind of somatosensory representation along entire magnetic body. It would be the magnetic bodies at higher levels of dark matter hierarchy which learn rather than mere water. Context sensitive field codes emerge naturally as codes involved with all bio-control, in particular that of gene expression.
The charge entanglement by W MEs is the essentially new element in the model for generalized motor actions by magnetic body. Also the telepathic sharing of mental images could rely on charge entanglement. The reduction of charge entanglement can induce a quantum jump to a state in which local Bose-Einstein condensates become exotically ionized with certain probability depending on the intensity of W field. These Bose-Einstein condensates define pixels of generalized motor maps. Plasma oscillations in turn induce various physiological responses such as Ca++ and Mg++ waves and nerve pulses in turn giving rise to the generalized motor action. Field code is the correspondence between the spatio-temporal pattern of plasma oscillations and generalized motor action.
4. Dark nuclear strings as analogs of as analogs of DNA-, RNA- and amino-acid sequences and baryonic realization of genetic code
A speculative picture proposing a connection between homeopathy, water memory, and phantom DNA effect is discussed and on basis of this connection a vision about how the tqc hardware represented by the genome is actively developed by subjecting it to evolutionary pressures represented by a virtual world representation of the physical environment. The speculation inspired by this vision is that genetic code as well as DNA-, RNA- and amino-acid sequences should have representation in terms of nuclear strings. The model for dark baryons indeed leads to an identification of these analogs and the basic numbers of genetic code including also the numbers of aminoacids coded by a given number of codons are predicted correctly. Hence it seems that genetic code is universal rather than being an accidental outcome of the biological evolution.
5. Some applications
The model of the magnetic body and the mechanism of motor control based on plasma oscillations of plasmoids can be tested by finding whether it allows to understand various enigmatic findings. Priore's machine which is a device demonstrated to induce a cure of cancer by somehow stimulating the immune system defines one such application. The findings of Sue Benford about intentionally produced tracks and dots in nuclear emulsions and microwave hearing and closely related taos hum define further applications. There is experimental evidence that electromagnetic stimulation can be used to transfer genetic information imprinted in field patterns between organisms belonging to different species. The idea about genes responsible for genetic self engineering and responding to field patterns representing foreign genes pops up naturally in dark matter inspired vision.
The general model for the magnetic body allows also to sharpen the model of remote mental interactions. In fact, these effects would be only a scaled-up exogenous versions of the effects appearing endogenously in cellular length scales and also in astrophysical length scales in communications between magnetic bodies and corresponding biological bodies.
Macroscopic quantum coherence and quantum metabolism as different sides of the same coin
The quantum view about metabolism has developed in two stages. First came the somewhat unbalanced vision about the connection of quantum metabolism and bound state formation. The second breakthrough was the discovery of dark matter hierarchy and associated hierarchy of generalized EEGs.
1. Quantum metabolism and bound state formation
Topological self-referentiality states that the topological field quanta of the classical fields associated with a material system provide a concrete representation for a theory about the material system. Actually this principle generalizes and implies an entire hierarchy of representations. An important outcome of the topological self-referentiality is that the 'buy-now' part of the buy now-pay later mechanism for energy production can be understood as a generation of bound states with binding energy liberated as a usable energy. 'Pay later' means that sooner or later thermal noise destroys the bound state.
This observation led to a quantum vision about energy economy in living matter: generation of the macroscopic coherence involving also binding of mental images to larger ones and liberation of a usable energy are different sides of the same coin. Besides, or perhaps even instead, the ordinary metabolism, quantum metabolism should be key element of living matter. Indeed, also ordinary metabolism might be accompanied by the effective over-unity energy production implied by the generation of quantum bound state entanglement: this implies a connection with the claimed over unity phenomena. This should reflect experimentally as apparently miraculous ability of the organism to cope without the use of the metabolic energy. Anomalies of this kind have been indeed observed at the level of neuronal metabolism and nano-biology is just challenging the basic assumptions of the Newtonian biology.
This vision can be criticized for over-emphasizing the formation of bound states: also the transitions to bound states with lower energy, say transitions between cyclotron states, can generate metabolic energy.
2. Dark matter hierarchy and quantum metabolism
The vision about a hierarchy of generalized EEGs associated with dark matter hierarchy a second decisive boost for new views about quantum metabolism. The crucial new element is that at higher levels of dark matter hierarchy photons with arbitrarily low frequencies can correspond to energies above the thermal threshold. This explains the observed mysterious effects of ELF radiation on living matter and implies that magnetic bodies are key participants in the metabolism. The equally mysterious findings about the ionic membrane currents can be understood if these currents are essentially non-dissipative and that ionic channels and pumps are actually ionic receptors. Hence it seems that generalized EEGs could take a lion share of the metabolic energy rather than ionic currents as thought usually. This picture allows to understand various strange findings about neuronal metabolism.
3. Holy trinity of red blood cells, neurons, and astrocytes
These ingredients allow to develop a general view about how the sensory representations and motor control are realized in terms of MEs. Time mirror mechanism and charge entanglement induced by W MEs are the basic elements in the general model for how magnetic body controls biological body and receives sensory information from it.
A model for motor control and sensory representations based on the trinity of red blood cells, astrocytes, and neurons emerges and raises astrocytes from a status of passive energy storage to an active link in the quantum control of brain by magnetic body. One can also identify mechanisms for the generation of coherent locomotion construct a quantum view about how ATP serves as a universal energy currency.
This view also allows a deeper interpretation of chemical communications and biological information molecules. There are full reasons to believe that substructures of these molecules can have bound state entanglement with the surrounding world. This entanglement can be interpreted in terms of 'telepathic' quantum communications. In fact, I introduced already few years ago the notion semitrance as entanglement with higher level selves but at this time I had not yet understood that quantum jump involves also state function preparation process realized as a cascade of self measurements against which only bound state entanglement is stable.
4. Molecular motors
During last years molecular motors have become the hot topics of biology. The so called Brownian motors are the dominating theoretical paradigm but there are some empirical findings challenging the concept. TGD suggests an alternative approach based on the notion of quantum motor. The basic idea is that all moving parts of the quantum motor move on the non-atomic space-time sheets so that momentum dissipation is minimal. It turns out that this picture might work but that TGD allows both quantum and classical modes for the molecular motors and it is quite possible that both modes are present. The model allows a new view about the real function of ATP leading to precisely correct quantitative predictions. Also the real function of membrane potential can be understood and quantum model for nerve pulse and EEG constructed.
The fascinating ability of molecular motors to co-operate finds an explanation in terms of the notion of super-genome: super-genome consists of sequences of nuclei analogous to text lines at the pages of book represented by magnetic flux sheets. Also the magnetic bodies of molecular motors can integrate in a similar manner to larger structures so that the population of molecular motors becomes a society.
5. Remote metabolism and effective super-luminal velocities
After the pioneering experiments of Nimtz and his collaborators 1992 a lot of evidence for effective super-luminal signal velocities has been accumulating. The simplest model for the super-luminality and related effects is in terms of remote metabolism associated with detectors and other instruments. Thus these experiments would give a firm grasp on phenomena at the border of dead and living matter.
I am grateful for comments, criticism and suggestions. The following list gives table of contents for "Quantum TGD". If You want, say chapter "Construction of Quantum Theory", as a .pdf file, just click on "Construction of Quantum Theory" in the table of contents. To help the reader to get overview I have included also a list of links to the chapters in the table of contents as well as corresponding abstracts.
PART I: Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms
- {Time, Space-time, and Consciousness}
- {Macro-temporal Quantum Coherence and Spin Glass Degeneracy}
- { Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms}
- {General Theory of Qualia}||
PART II: Homeopathy and Metabolism
- {Homeopathy in Many-Sheeted Space-time}
- {Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Metabolism as Different Sides of the Same Coin}
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