Science as Fear Soience of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

Science is a (collective) strategy for coping with fear.
Science serves to get to know the unknown; all that is alien, strange.
For many people the unknown induces fears: a standard reflex response.
“Fear” is the emotion which indicates that reflex response will fail.

We all create reflexes by performing actions in a specific context.
We are able to (automatically) memorise and ((un)intentionally) recall (re-create) the action.
When the action is unconsciously recalled/reactivated, we call that a reflex.
Reflexes which were not conditioned in/for the existing conditions, will possibly backfire, thus fail: Fear is the signal which alerts us of/for this.

Science is our social means for coping/dealing with fear.
This means that science is in essence a (unconscious) fear-driven activity.
Science and fear are in that science dual complements of each other.
Science is the art/act of working with, and resolving, fear.

    The product of science is knowledge; this is a mental construct.
    Our Body of Knowledge is the dual/complement of our physical body.
    Our individual/collective) body of knowledge originates from the same principle/process as our physical body.
    The interrelationship between our (physical) Body and our Body of Knowledge (Mind) is describe in “The Bones of Belief”.

    Science is a name for the cognitive part of our collective body of knowledge.
    Science is formed as/by the composite of the bodies of knowledge of scientists.
    The Body of Knowledge of “Scientists” is a construct of/by Reflexes
    Science as such is formed by fear; science thus is a ‘(trans)form’ of fear.

Science as such thus is ... an emotion.
Science is a construct of reflexes/beliefs.
Science does not take place at the level of cognition.
The cognitive processes are driven by deeper processing of emotions/beliefs.


A main problem with scientists is that scientists are not aware that it is a conditioned/conditional reflex/belief.
Science as such does not exist: it is merely a construct of consensus; a mental artefact.
It is a anonymised, generalised, abstract; it is not a truth but a truism; and it is not real.
It is always only a realisation, and an object in science is a linguistic object only; a model.


In being (merely) a belief, a linguistic object, science is very fragile.
It operates by the principle of belief creation (thus of bone formation).
In a same way that bones can be broken, beliefs can be broken.
And just as our body grows, our body of knowledge grows also.


Science is a systematic systemic compensation mechanism.
It is a method for anxiety reduction, for the collective of society.
As such it serves the same purpose as any taboo, superstition or religion.
It compensates for our blind spots, and enables us to deal with the unknown.


In dealing with the unknown, we also must deal with our own ignorance.
Beliefs patch up over our innate physical/mental/social/human Blind Spots.
As in seen in mathematical axioms, unknowing is the basis of knowing.
As is seen in the learning by baby's: we don't need to know to be able to get to know.


If this unknowing, ignorance, is ignored, the knowledge based on it is unfounded.
That makes that knowledge unreliable, brittle, and prone to decay and collapse.
The history of science shows that what is held to be 'true', is a Belief, only.
At a later time something else, or the opposite, is held to be true, or real.

    Some scientists fear this.
    They do not know what to do: they have no pre-existing usable answer.
    Sometimes such scientists even want to deny or ignore that the unknown exists.
    Such scientists act out of, as, the equivalent of Fear, our reflex signal that no reflex response as yet exists.

    Dogmatists (“fundamentalists”, “Unscientists”) operate on basis of known knowledge.
    Like reflexes, they will operate in a Fear-response when facing the unknown.
    Researchers (“explorers”, “scientists”) operate from the capacity of learning.
    Like children they will operate curiosity and inquisitiveness and learn.

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